Tuesday, December 29, 2009

2009 wrap up

Best songs of 2009:

Right Round - Flo Rida
Poker Face - Lady Gaga
Run This Town - Jay-Z
Use Somebody - Kings of Leon
I Gotta Feelin' - Black Eyed Peas
Down - Jay Sean
Whatcha' Say - Jason Derulo

Best movies of 2009:

500 Days of Summer

Biggest events of 2009:

Michael Jackson's death. Totally eclipsing Farah Fawcett's death
Ikin's graduation
Conquering New York
Anas gets a baby boy
Jamil's wedding

Honorable Adam Johari achievements of 2009:

Destroyed Mike in badminton
Scored 5 touchdowns while playing American Football

Hottest chicks of 2009:

The Wifey
Katy Perry

2010 goals:

Six pack. Once I get the six pack I'll name my six pack something awesome. The guy in Jersey Shore names his six pack "The Situation".

Monday, December 28, 2009

Love thy neighbor

Not! My neighbor keeps on playing the bagpipes every single day. Is this girl a rabbit disguised as a woman? The ironic thing is that I have never seen my neighbor. I've only heard her constant screams of pleasure. For all I know she could be severely over weight or extremely hot. She could also be an 80 year old granny. Who knows!?


Wednesday, December 23, 2009


I hate it when I go to electronic shops, for instance like Best Buy or the Apple store, and the people who work there try to teach, inform, boast to me about the products sold. First of all, when there is a combination of 'electronics' and my desire to 'purchase' that electronic, you better be damn sure that Adam Johari has already done his research on the item.

When I mean research it means that I've memorized all the specs of that item and I could recite all the specs of that item back to the seller. For speakers, that means I know how much Watts the speaker uses, how big the tweeter size is, whether the product is THX certified or not, is it compatible with 240V, does the light in front of the speaker annoy people, is the bass deep enough, mid tones sound proper, max output creates a distorted sound and so forth.

For camera lenses it means I know how much chromatic aberration the lens has, whether it can auto focus on my camera or not, is it a fast lens?, stiff zoom ring?, fast auto focus, produces good color tones?, heavy/light lens, how many aperture blades, cheap feeling lens? etc.

I know all that crap. If I walk into those shops I don't look all confused and am asking for your 'expert' opinion, I just want you to smile and keep quiet. And just so you know, I have already surveyed every single other shop online that sells the same product and know what they are offering it for. I'm just at your shop for the view.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Friday, December 18, 2009


Alhamdulillah. Thank God.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Jamil's getting married

Today one of my close friends - Jamil - is getting married. We went to the same lower high school, then went on to the same boarding school where we were roommates, and then we continued to university together where we were housemates. Sadly, today I won't be able to attend his wedding as I am not currently back home. If I had more holidays I'd definitely go back to see him get married, but as it turns out I don't.

In my defense I did give Jamil a call yesterday and we had a 20 minute conversation which is pretty ghey considering guys don't talk to other guys on the phone.

Jamil will be marrying Evi. They met back in MRSM Langkawi (Maresmawi) and became an item slightly after finishing high school. Though Jamil and Evi were apart for quite some time due to Jamil studying abroad, they maintained their relationship and now are on the verge of reciting their "akad nikah".

On a side not, it always makes me happy to see couples who have been together for quite some time get married. Cause that's how it was with my wife and me. Long distance relationships are extremely tough to handle. Considering they both have been able to thread the rocky waters together as bf/gf though, I have no doubt that they will be able to have an even greater relationship once married.

I remember back in INTEC Shah Alam where Jamil would be calling Evi like every single minute. He would always buy those phone cards so he would supposedly be able to call her long distance for a cheap rate. I guess the cheap rates weren't really that cheap, at least they weren't cheap enough for Jamil. Cause Jamil would chomp like one card per day just to call Evi. Haha. Well, from now onwards you won't have to buy phone cards or use so many phone minutes calling her anymore will you Jamil?

Time is edging now. In a few more hours Jamil will be able to do you-know-what without sin. Hahaha. Just be confident my friend. Skejap je jadi hebat. Hahahaha.

I hope you guys have a great wedding and a great honeymoon! Congratulations!!

Ps - fun factor - so far all the people who have been marrying inter MRSM Langkawi schoolmates in my batch have all been from Bangi. Anas and Zack. Adam (me) and Shikin. And soon to be... Jamil and Evi.

Jamil holding a stick

Thursday, December 10, 2009


The one reason why I like math is that it isn't subjective. There is no feel to it. You can either be wrong, or you can either be right. The bullshit that they fed us in poetry class back in high school doesn't apply to math. "There is no real answer to the meaning of poetry.... rather it is the interpretations that are important", my English teacher said. Hmph. Interpretations? Buffoonery.

Math isn't about interpretations. Math is about being precise. Sometimes to the dot. If you wrote down the right answer you get points. If you didn't get the right answer then you are out of luck. Teachers can't F up your grades based on "key words" they felt should have been included in your answer.

Math is objective. Hmmm... or is it? Not really.

Math gets tampered when we inject the human element into it. For example, what is the average between zero and ten? It should be five right? That makes sense.

Question rephrased. Say you see a girl in the bar, and she's not hot, nor is she ugly either. She's what you would call an average girl. Everything about her is average. Average facial structure. Average breasts size. Average waist. Average everything. Now your buddy goes up to you and asks you this question,"Dude did you check out that girl? How is she?"

If that was a mathematical question the answer would be simple. "She's a five John. A five". But nope, you don't tell your friend John that she's a five. Instead, you tell your buddy John that she's a SIX. Why!? Cause five sounds so mean when it comes to looks (human element interference). Six is the average when it comes to looks. Six and probably seven are around averageish. Five and below means that they are unacceptable. Eight and above is above 'average'.

Get your 'math' straight people.

Friday, December 4, 2009


Do you know what loneliness is? How could you feel lonely when you are surrounded by so many people? In fact, how could you feel lonely when you are surrounded by so many people that you know? Let me tell you a story.

I've been living alone in a studio for two years now. All by myself. When I get back to my apartment from work the first thing that I see when I open my door is my bed. No one is there to greet me. Everything that is there when I shove that door far enough inwards so that the door gets stopped by the unleveled carpet isn't living. Except for my new PS3. She has a soul and a heart and she is very much alive. But apart from her, when I get back to my apartment, sometimes from a long day at work, I find myself in an empty apartment and ALL that I have is myself.

Food is not on the table when I get back. I'm hungry and I'm tired at times and I have nothing to eat. There are chain restaurants nearby my apartment. However, after being here for two years and skipping one restaurant to the next it eventually becomes a pattern and you cycle through the same ones. What about cooking myself you say? I do cook for myself. It's called the two minute microwave of hot dogs.

Before, when I had shower curtains that were not see through, I'd always have this tiny little scary voice inside me telling me to be prepared to fight the boogieman once I pull the shower curtains open. I would pull open the shower curtains with might, knowing there really isn't some scary person there, but still my heart races every single time.

At night times, I would watch TV shows by myself. ABC, Fox Sports, NBC, CBS, you name it. I watch all of em. I'd go cuddle up on my couch with the extra pillow that I place on my bed but never sleep with. Sometimes there will be really funny scenes from shows like Family Guy and How I Met Your Mother but I find myself laughing alone. And after I laugh I feel so stupid cause why am I laughing in the first place? Why are you laughing Adam Johari? No one is here to hear it! My mind would think about how those live audiences in studios would laugh as a cue for people watching at TV to laugh. I am the live audience. But I have no TV viewers.

It's funny how loneliness can creep at you. You feel most lonely when you are tired and weak. But the next morning when you wake up, you don't feel that lonely. At least that's me.

I guess the moral of the story is. If you have a choice to not be by yourself. To not let your mind go racing wild because of the void. Take the time to choose not to be by yourself. Having your alone time is fine. Just don't make it a routine. I know what true loneliness is now. But hey, in all honesty I'm an emotionally strong person. Other people. I don't know.


I hate it when I write 4 paragraphs in a blog entree and then I decide to delete it cause I feel it isn't worthy of being in my blog. It's better to feel stupid than to BE stupid.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Which one would you prefer

Which one would you prefer:

1. Being the jaguh kampung (being the best in the small pond)


2. Being the average person amongst the cream of the crop

Are those two questions too hypothetical for you? Ok let's put them in different terms.

Which one would you prefer:

1. Getting a 3.90 from the Derek Zoolander Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good And Wanna Learn To Do Other Stuff Good Too


2. Getting a 3.00 from DePaul University

There are no "IF's". Don't try to be a smart aleck and say that you are the best in every situation. Cepuk karang.

Since I haven't written

There are two things that a man my age craves - love and money. Those two are the number one and number two, in which order you desire to place them is up to you, of what men my age pursue vigilantly. Some people are really good in pursuing love, they are born with "perfect faces" and can roll out smooth words as smooth as a baby's bottom.

Some people are good in the latter. They studied extremely well in school, mastered the art of medicine/banking/consulting/etc and are able to attract business. The money just appears out of thin air for them. In their craft, they are the specialists. They notice the tiniest of details in their work. Perfection is not everything for them, it is the only thing.

Then there are some that are horrible in both of them. Those sad lads would need some guidance. But they are of no importance to this post. So let them be in their state of sadness.

Most people are just average, just someone in between when it comes to the two subjects. They are in love one day, the next day they are heartbroken. Today they feel it, tomorrow their so-called love of their lives is just another person; unexciting and too predictable. They don't make a ton of money but they do make a living. These people are OK.

Today, I am already married. My wife would not attest to my smooth talking skills, but deep down I'm sure she knows I was pretty smooth at times. So, am I in one of those groups described? Not really. But I do know that I can check off the "Love" part. Now I just need to pursue money right?

To be continued

Verbal Pwnage

Sunday, November 15, 2009

They know

A long time ago Farhan asked me this question:

Mane nak cari pompuan yang cun tapi die tak sedar yang die cun eh?

He was basically asking for the impossible. There is absofuckinglutely NO such thing as a hot girl who does not realize that she is hot. It just can't happen. Cause all these hot girls always get attention from guys. Whether the girl be from the city, or the kampungs, or even in the millitary, the hot girl will always get attention from the opposite sex. Be it rich guys, ugly guys, smart guys, random guys, paralyzed guys, short guys, tall guys, guys with curly hair, straight hair, fair skin, dark skin... you name it.

Hey I'm no genius in beauty or fashion. So don't take my word for it. However, I have yet to see/know/talk to a woman who is hot and doesn't realize it. BUT, I have met women who are around a 6 over 10 and think that they are an 8 over 10. Now that's just sad.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

From Utusan

Puting beliung landa timur London
15/11/2009 3:27am

LONDON 15 Nov. – Hujan lebat dan angin kencang sehingga 100 kilometer sejam menyebabkan banjir, jalan ditutup dan mengganggu laluan melintasi selatan Britain, semalam.

Ribut yang dikatakan terburuk tahun ini mengakibatkan banjir kilat berlaku. Ramai pemandu telah diselamatkan daripada kenderaan mereka dan pokok turut tumbang menghempap kereta serta bekalan elektrik terputus di beberapa kawasan .

Angin selaju 100 kilometer direkodkan semalam di Needles, Isle of Wight dan 60 kediaman musnah akibat puting beliung di pekan Benfleet, timur London.

Feri ke England dan Perancis turut dibatalkan disebabkan angin kencang dan tiga pekerja pelantar minyak diselamatkan oleh bot penyelamat selepas bot yang mereka naiki terkandas di Ness Point, wilayah paling timur di Britain.

Bagaimanapun tiada kematian dilaporkan dan pusat kaji cuaca memberitahu keadaan akan semakin tenang menjelang esok. – AP

Be careful when you travel here on Monday baby


When I am a buyer/purchaser of your product expect me to be ruthless when we do our deals. I am looking out for me, not for you, and your job is to impress me, make it seem as if I'm getting a bargain or a deal and not the other way around.

My apartment lease ends at the end of December this year. It's either I move out from this place by trying to find a lease at another place or I can just renew my lease. Either way, the decision is in my hands and I have the power. So when I went to the apartment office today to renegotiate a lease for three months, and they start acting all shady, they can damn well expect me to be straightforward on how I feel.

Adam: So is there a way that I can renew my apartment lease for three months?

Apt officer: Yes, but you would have to pay an additional 100 dollars.

Adam: Ok that's not so bad, so just a hundred dollars and pay my rent.

Apt officer: No, it's actually 100 dollars for each month.

Adam: ???? So you are saying that I have to pay 1035 dollars each month for my small studio?

Apt officer: Yes. So can we negotiate a lease for you to stay until April 30th?

Adam: Wait what? Doesn't my lease end in December? April 30th is four months not three.

Apt officer: Yes, but people tend to move in during spring time... around April 30th.

*starts to boil

Adam: Look, I am not going to pay 1000+ for a lousy small studio. I'm just not going to do it. If you charge me the extra 100 per month expect me to just move out. I have no problems leaving this place. And if I'm going to stay it'll only be for 3 months not four like you mentioned. I'll get back to you next week and we can renegotiate.

*act as if I'm going to leave the office in disgust

Apt officer: Wait, so if we can waiver the 100 dollars per month can we just sign the lease right now?

Adam: No. I'll get back to you.



My apartment building is known for crappy service and it doesn't look good at all. They are desperate to find people to stay in the building, and if they were to lose one customer like me it's going to be a bigger loss for them as compared to me. Right now my brother lives in Purdue, Indiana so it won't be that difficult to rent a van and give him all of my furniture.

Moral of this story? Don't let people screw you over. Have an F them attitude. Look out for yourself first. There's no use for you to feel bad and strike a deal just because they aren't doing well. Do not care about how this economy is screwing everybody up. Take care of yourself first.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What's up Kelantan?

What's up Kelantan? Suke sangat bakar stadium.

Did anyone not see this? So expected. Emo gile penyokong bola Kelantan.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We'll crucify the insincere tonight...


Kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke _________?

a: carpet
b: nasi
c: mangkuk
d: baju

Couldn't someone have thought of a better proverb? I think we wanted to copy the saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" which makes sense. Buat kuah? Tumpah pulak tu? Adoi cuai betul makcik ni.

When a kid I knew got rejected from a girl that he liked... this was what he said:

"Bunga bukan sekuntum"

and I told this to a friend of mine who I guess, wanted to step up for the girls so he replied:

"Kumbang bukan seekor"

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pulling you kids back down to earth

I feel that since I am a graduate, having been once an actuarial student and now am working, that I should impart some knowledge on the younger generation of actuarial students. This knowledge is common. Yet, no one has emphasized it. Until now. (sounds like a movie trailer intro eh?)

1. Actuarial science in university is easy

It's the truth. How on earth could someone like me do so well in it at uni level? I'll tell you how. Cause it is easy. You do not need to be special to score in actuarial science subjects. All you have to do to get an A is study just a little bit more than average.

2. Engineering/CS is harder than actuarial science

This again is the truth. How many times have we seen engineering students get completely maimed by their exams? Have any of you actuarial science students get around 50% in your exams? I don't think so. Ask an engineering student, I'm sure that they have seen the 50th to 60th percentile plenty a times.

3. Stop acting/telling other people that actuarial science is hard

I'm tired of seeing kids saying actuarial science is hard. Cause it isn't. I know we should try to portray that it is hard to other people who are not in the profession. But the truth is, you do not need to have special skill sets to be good in actuarial science. There are plenty of kids who aren't good in math who end up being actuaries.

4. An A in actuarial science is not equivalent to an A in engineering

My friend, a biased engineer (haha) had his professor tell his class this,"In order for you to get an A in my class you will have to be smart and work really hard. If you are either smart or work hard but not both, you will get a B". In actuarial science it goes more like this,"If you just write down the formulas well on your cheat sheets, you will get an A"

5. You are not special

If you think that since you have a good GPA in actuarial science that you are awesome... no you are not awesome. Most of the kids have high GPAs in actuarial science. You are just another person in the crowd.

6. Ranking of difficulty

Doctor > Engineer > Actuarial science > Accounting > Psychology

7. Actuaries hate accounting people

8. Be humble

The smartest people I've met through out my life are the most humble. They are humble in spreading knowledge, helping out with homework, humble in conversations.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Proton Cars

I don't understand why people complain so much about Malaysia's national car - Proton. From my experience with Proton, it really isn't a bad car. Of course, it doesn't fly like a Honda (Honda is considered a small luxury in Malaysia) nor does it beam an upper status like a Mercedes. But for the many years that my parents did have a Proton, the car worked like a charm. All we needed was to get from point A to point B and the Proton did just that.

Today, everybody is complaining about how worthless the Proton is. In actuality, it really isn't that bad for its price. I've heard problems with the Proton ranging from its inability to close windows (faulty motor) to the air condition grill (what you move to direct the air towards you) being easily broken. Unfortunately, those problems didn't occur to me so I don't have first hand experience.

I do understand people getting pissed off that some governmental officers are raking in the big bucks from selling AP contracts. Now that, we must put an end to. I don't understand why like 90% of the AP contract money can't be channeled back into the automotive industry. Perhaps use that extra money to create more R&D for Proton? That's just free money for certain vendors that barely, if any, did anything besides kiss peoples asses to achieve that authority in selling APs in the first place.

Proton should still be protected. Because of Proton's inability to be of world class caliber since its inception in 1985 till today, sadly we must still struggle to protect it. However, we should give terms on this protection. For instance, if Proton fails to perform by say 2015, then we open up the market just a little bit (reduce the taxes on foreign cars) by a fixed percentage of how bad Proton has performed. Haha. Now that would be interesting.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The mind

The mind is amazing. It doesn't tell you whether you remember something or not... until the very last minute when a question is presented in front of you and you curse yourself for not remembering the exact words for it.

Tomorrow is D-Day for me. Gambate!

Friday, October 23, 2009


4 more days till the exam. Work hard Adam!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Status update

I've been studying in the office till 10 - 11 o'clock everyday for the past 2 weeks. Right now my brain is so fried.

What do you do when your brain tells you to stop and take a nap?

I tell you what you do. You tell that weak mind of yours to suck it up and continue on studying cause only losers quit.

I'd rather put in hundreds and hundreds of hours into this exam and fail... than to put mediocre hours (200 hours is mediocre) and fail. At least I'll know I gave it everything I got.

Of course if I pass I'm going to buy myself something expensive of which I will regret the first two days of purchasing the item but will feel non of that regret later on.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Top paying jobs


Actuary ranks 6 with median pay of 129,000 usd a year?

I call that a lie.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Halloween Costume?

Actuarial Sacrifice

Actuarial Sacrifice

pronounced: ak-choo-er-ee-el sak-ruh-fahys

synonym: pain | lack of sleep | stress | warming the chair | unable for dates, functions, and the like

reasons: raise | feel smarter (but not true) | bragging rights amongst similar ak-choo-er-ees

motivation: food | caffeine | observe other ak-choo-er-ees working just as hard or harder | parents' expectations

lesser alternatives: accounting exams | banking exams

worth it? .... hell no

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tempo has reached critical level

Out of the internet game. Sayonara!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Phillippine All-Stars

Quite possibly the best hip-hop dance crew ever




Saturday, September 19, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya

Selamat Hari Raya to everyone especially my family. My family is scattered everywhere - from Malaysia, to US, to UK, to Qatar. I hope everyone will enjoy this special occasion after fasting during Ramadan. Don't eat too much :)

Maaf zahir dan batin!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Comfort Zone

Going outside of your comfort zone will help you in the long run. I would know. Because I've tried many things that were outside of my comfort zone that I feel have paid off today.

For instance, I joined the debating team when I was in MRSM Langkawi. I had no clue what so ever on how to debate at that time. It was my first time joining the debating team and quite honestly I was scared as hell. I would admit that at the moment I wasn't that good in debating. (nor am I saying that I'm good at it now). But I learned plenty from my coaching teacher and from my teammates and at the very least, I didn't embarrass myself on stage.

The experience that I got from that venture has helped me somewhat today. For instance, I don't get the jitters when I give a presentation. I've learned to pace myself when I talk. The usual "umm" and "aaaa" that people give during their presentations, I don't do. And most importantly, before giving a presentation I would study study study the material first hand. Of course, there will be questions thrown at me that are just on top of my head and I would be unable to answer them. But that's expected.

Sometimes it isn't what you're saying but how you're saying it.

Another experience that I would like to share is how I conquered my fear of heights. Since I was small I was always afraid of heights. Just looking down from a building would make my palms sweat... and make that certain body part giggle. Haha.

But I didn't want the fear of heights get the best of me. So what did I do? I jumped off a plane. Yep. I went skydiving. Now, everytime someone gives me a hard time for not going on a roller coaster ride I just tell 'em that I've already jumped out of a plane. *Take that! Kapow! Trump card unveiled!*

My last experience I'd like to jot down here is my fear of writing. Yep. I was always afraid of people seeing my writing. I feel like you put a lot of thought process to your writing and certain people out there don't try to read your writings for the message that you are trying to convey but keep on trying to find flaws in your writing. Those people don't get the point. Grammatical errors and mistakes in detail (once I said state of Chicago and someone corrected me on that "It's city!") are common in writing.

But now look at me ("look at me" *echoing in the background), I'm writing in facebook/blog and everyone can read my thoughts.

Go outside your comfort zone. Be less afraid to make mistakes. Be brave to find challenges and overcome them. It's better to try and fail than to never have tried in the first place.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


The time for studying has come again. This blog, as dead as it already is, will be 'dead'er in the upcoming weeks. I don't want to bitch about how hard it is studying without food in your stomach cause I don't really think it's that bad. It sucks, but it's manageable.

There are so many things to talk about. I don't feel like I can cover all of them and give the ideas that I have justice by writing nonchalantly and unemotionally. Perhaps it's better that I just save the stories for later. But if I do that, the moment just passes by. I might even forget those stories.

Sigh*. The sacrifices I give to the actuarial world.

I'll give one quick story despite ;)

I always stalk my friends' blogs. In fact, I update those blog pages maybe four to five times a day. It's a bad habit. Terrible actually. Yet I can't help myself. I have to know what they have to say and I have to know what other people are commenting about their writing. Most of the comments that they receive are dumb and totally unrelated to their postings. But one recent entree from a friend had her mom comment in her blog...

Yep. Her. Mother. Mom. Mommy. Mama.

First of all let me clarify. My mom is an awesome mom. Not just an awesome mom. She's also a damn sporting mom and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to introduce my mom to my buddies. But in all honesty, if my mom read my blog I'd probably be a little embarrassed. Well not that embarrassed. (keep on contradicting yourself Adam. good job)

It's the upbringing that we have in Malaysia that has made me this way. Not just me, but most of the people I know surely feel the same way to some degree.

Do you guys remember your first day in school? Some of your parents would be going to school and looking at you, standing in the middle of the class in front of everyone to see if you would be able adapt to your new found surrounding. And at that time, you would feel so embarrassed for no particular reason. "Go away mom and dad. I'm coping fine. I'm ashamed that it seems as if I need you to be by my side all the time" you tell yourself. Of course there are some other parents that know how their kids feel about their presence and would hide behind the building pillars. Ever so slightly they would take a peek or two when you weren't looking to make sure that you are doing well.

That is the Malaysian culture. We shy away from our parents for no good reason. Kids over here in Western countries are so different. The kids here feel left out if the parents aren't there when they achieve something. "I finally won the Math prize this year. But it means nothing since my parents aren't here to see me win this!" they say to themselves.

Now that I'm older I wouldn't mind my parents being at my side when I achieve something. I remember when I won the 'hadiah matematik' for getting the highest marks in class when I was small in SRKBBB. At that time I was praying so hard that my parents wouldn't cheer for me when I was walking on stage. Two years ago, I graduated from college. At that time, my parents and brother cheered. I took it all in.

Friday, August 28, 2009


Go to facebook. Log in. And type the Konami code on your keyboard.

up up down down left right left right B A enter


The nail that sticks out gets hammered back in.

Western societies promote individualism. A person is to venture the world and stretch the boundaries to see how far s/he can go. I am I. I am important. By serving I, I will be actually serving society. If everyone serves I, then in the end everyone will be happy. You does not exist. We do not exist. Only I matters. And only the happiness of I is what counts.

In Asian societies, I does not exist. I had been butchered a long time ago. I was thrown down the well. Kids would run to that well and throw stones into it until I would bleed to death. I dared not to stand out. For standing out was considered taboo. We and Us thrived when I was down. Decisions made were done by We and Us. I got pushed to the corner. Silenced forever.


Saturday, August 22, 2009

The grass is browner on the other side

Need no elaborations here. I love what I have. I am content.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


The P90x is one of the famous workout dvds out there. It's a 90 day workout schedule that promises to deliver results. Take a glimpse at the body transformation of this subject:

There are three body types that you can choose from the workout DVD. I chose the "lean" path instead of the "classic" or "double" alternatives.

Just now I tried the first session workout. And boy that workout knocked me dead. I felt like I was going to faint. So I had to stop the first workout session half way :(

Bummer. Anyways, I wasn't really prepared for the P90x yet. I just wanted to see how hard it was. Now that I know, I'll definitely prepare myself better next time before I work out. Like have water ready.

Ramadhan starts this Saturday. Actuarial exam is at the end of October. Start November, I will take my first day picture without my clothes on but not reveal them online. At day 90 I'll show my own transformation ;)

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


So I ran four miles to the beach before playing volleyball for the "Volley and Thunder" team today. I didn't play that well. Not because I was tired of all the running beforehand, but because I haven't played volley in a while. The team members haven't played volley in quite some time too... and the results? Our team lost all six games today. It really wasn't that bad. Most of the games were close games. Just our execution didn't go as well as planned. I did manage to deliver one heck of a dangerously fast spike to one of our opposing teams. Sadly though, the enthusiasm of one point doesn't really win you games.

I'm back in my apartment now. Feeling not great but not terrible either after the game. Thank goodness the 500 days of summer original soundtrack was there in my mail box ;) As I am writing this entree, the songs are being copied into my iTunes. Now if only I didn't leave my ipod at work...

I received another letter in my mail box today. The letter looked pretty thick. Must be something important? It was. It was an invitation to Doug Duffy's wedding! This is my first time going to an American/Irish/Spanish wedding. I'm pretty psyched about this. Not only is this the first American/Irish/Spanish wedding that I'm going to, but this will be the first time I'll be going to a wedding inside a church. All those years of watching movies to see the bride and groom say "I do" and the Minister asking the audience "If there is anyone out there who believes that these two should not be joined in Holy Matrimony let him speak now forever hold their peace" moments are finally coming true.

By the way, Doug Duffy is one of Milliman's former employees. He studied accounting (big mistake), but he's extremely smart and was able to do all the actuarial stuff plus pass all of his CPA exams on his first try. It even seemed as if he really didn't study that much. But his dad is an FCAS, so I'm not shocked. Today, he's working as an accountant.

Norma, his bride to be is going to be a lawyer soon. She's been with Duffy for seven to eight years now. It makes me so happy to see couples who have been with each other for a long time getting married. Cause that's how it was for me and my wife.

My friend Dezerk told me that who you marry is exactly who you deserve. I totally agree with him. The Quran mentions something like this - "Good guys end up with good girls. And bad guys end up with bad girls." Duffy and Norma are good people. I wish them the very best for their upcoming wedding, and wish them better than the best for their future.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Fantasy football time!

This time I think my fantasy football team will pawn everyone else's team. Not only have I gave it a hard thought on who should be in my line up, I even created an excel spreadsheet to back my predictions. Of course, the excel model that I created isn't perfect yet. I need more data before I can run regressions. For that, I'll need more game weeks to complete the model.

For now though....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

(500) days of summer

I just watched this movie an hour ago. Definitely one of the best movies this year. I don't normally recommend movies in my blog, but this one is an exception. Everyone should go see this.

Saturday, August 8, 2009


Some days are like every other day. Some days are bad. Some days are better than others. And some days are special. Those special days are remembered, and you wish you could relive them everyday.

I remember my special day. It took place exactly a year ago from today.

The day was special from every angle. Family members were there. Friends were there. Neighbours were there too. Most of the important people in my life were there. And they were there to celebrate me... and Shikin. Cause we were getting married on that day =)

Through the years of being apart. Through the distance. Through the time. All the hardships that we faced. Things can change in that long period. Perspectives can change. Attitudes can change. But one thing remained the same - I had her, and she had me.

Happy anniversary baby.

Your hubby ;)

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dumb people

When I was at my CAS 5 exam seminar, the speaker told us that there were two words that he didn't allow his daughter to say at home. One was "stupid". The other was "fair". The first was disallowed in his household for obvious reasons - insulting another person's lack of intelligence isn't nice. And the second word was disallowed because the speaker didn't want his daughter to have the illusion that things in life are fair. Because they aren't.

I want to elaborate on the first word for a sec.

I convince myself time and time again that there really aren't stupid people out there. "Maybe they are just lazy", I tell myself. "Maybe they don't care", I tell myself again. "Maybe they are underachieving", I tell myself again times two. But this time, MAYBE I should look hard at the reality of life and just accept that there are stupid people out there.

The bus that I take to work has a rear door that you have to push ever so gently on the bar in front of the door before it opens. Obviously if the bus driver hasn't allowed the bar to be pushed, the door will not open. If the bar is pushed without the bus driver's consent (a green light above the bar has to light up), a little alarm will sound off. And boy, that alarm is pretty annoying. Hearing it once worsens my day by a small margin. But hearing it multiple times???? Just! Ticks! Me! Off!!!

I want to destroy these "stupid" people.

How dumb can you get!? The light has to turn green before you press the bar! If you have worked in the city for months does your blood move too slow to your brain that something as simple as an illuminated light become too hard to comprehend? Look at the light. It blinks first. Then you press.

Even the Pavlov dog knows when to salivate. Bell rings. Then it salivates. But these people never learn. NEVER!

Ok, that's my hatred of the day. I'm going to store it away now. *Exhale

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Sometimes I don't make sense. I mean, they make perfect sense in my head. But when I convey my thoughts to others, people just don't get it. For instance, when ordering roti canai back in Shah Alam I told the guy,"Nak roti satu satu ye".... The waiter was like,"????". Everyone else was also like,"????". Except for Jamil. He got it pretty fast. "Die nak dua roti canai dan dua pinggan".

Was that really a hard code to understand? If I were to say nak dua roti canai I knew the fellow was going to give me two roti canais in one pinggan. But since I said nak satu... pause.... and say another satu... that means I want two separate roti canais no?

I think I'm dumb. Maybe just happy ;) ~ Nirvana

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yasmin Ahmad - Tribute

Yasmin, you were extremely talented in story telling. Hope you are still telling stories up there.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Out of town

I'm not in Chicago at the moment. I've been in England since July 15th and I'll be flying back to Chicago on July 27th. Currently, I'm just chilling with the wife and in-laws happily in Southampton. Her family is huge in playing Cho Tai Tee which rhymes well with geeks like myself.

I'll be sure to upload some nice pics when I get back. Pics of the wifey's graduation and just some scenery here in England.

Till then

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

The end of the world

How do you think the end of the world will come?

1. Global warming - giant flash floods, hurricanes, heat, famine etc

2. Object from the sky clashes with Earth - comets, planets, asteroids etc

3. War - what kind of war? Nationalism war like WW1 and WW2? Or religious war?

4. Solar flare from the sun creates a magnetic shift in the Earths magnetic field

5. Big Bang Theory - after expanding the universe starts going back in and everything gets smashed

6. Disease - a new disease that is highly contagious wipes out the entire human race

7. Aliens, Vampires and the like

8. Something that we can't fathom - act of God

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

White guys and Asian girls

Why are there so many white guys dating asian girls but never white girls dating asian guys?

This question is purely hypothetical as I have no intentions what-so-ever to try and hook up with a blond chick. I prefer brunettes anyways. Haha. But seriously, why? I asked a lot of my friends who are not asian and I got a few answers:

1) Height - Girls like taller guys. It's hard when you are a short asian trying to hook up with a tall white girl.

2) Strict Chinese Household - A lot of white girls have this belief that if they end up with an asian guy they will end up being in a strict Chinese household. Their children will be forced to learn algebra at the age of 7 and learn to spell the alphabet in prime numbers. b c e g etc.

3) Scary Mother-in-law - White girls are afraid of the asian mother in law. I know I would be.

4) Error in communication - asian guys usually become quiet when they reach an older age. It's weird. Communication just falls apart. How many times have we seen the asian dad who barely speaks?

5) False misrepresentation of certain body parts - I made this one up. But I know some of you dimwits are thinking about this one. This notion is false. I can't prove it without seeming vulgar.

6) Asian guys are ugly - I made this one up too. Have to harshly disagree with this one. Daniel Henney for the win.

Ok I can't really think of more. Why asian guys are never going to score with white girls will always seem to be a mystery to me...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Bday boy

Tomorrow's my birthday. I'll be 25 years of age.

I think I'll treat myself to some nice sushi tonight ;)

Yeay me! My bff's website has some writings about me.

Happy bday to myself, and happy 4th of July!


Thanks everyone for wishing me happy bday. I didn't do much for my bday. Just hung out with Ezamil and watched Public Enemies - just the two of us lol. The show was ok, around a 6.5/10. I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone going to the movie theaters. Go watch the Hangover... that show is freaking hilarious.

Anyways, I came back to my apartment after the movie and booted up the webcam to chat with my wife. This is how she greeted me...

Love you to bits baby ;)

Again, thanks everyone!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Obsessed with pillows

What kind of person spends a fortune on a pillow?

For years now I've been sleeping on the most horrible pillows that man has ever seen. The pillows I've had were ugly, unreliable, no resistance, no neck support, no curves. My neck would hurt in the mornings. Every time I wake up I'd be cursing my pillow for rending me awake yet still tired.

Unlike my wife who has been using her trusted pillow (bantal busuk) for the past decade, I have had no luck when it came to pillows. Calling it no luck wouldn't be accurate though. It's more to like I didn't realize how important a pillow is for my sleeping. Until a few months back...

I thought that that problem of not having the perfect sleep would go away once I bought my 'new' pillow last March. The pillow cost 40 bucks. (40 x 3.2 = 128 ringgit). A hefty price right? Apparently no. That's not even one of the good brands for a pillow. The forty dollar pillow didn't even get me down feathers in the inside. Instead, I only managed to get a synthetic down pillow for that amount of money.

The 40 dollar pillow was used everyday until today. I got fed up with it. The support was terrible. I woke up tired, just like before, but this time I had the guilty conscience of spending 40 dollars on a pillow that didn't deliver results. Alas, I went back to Bed Bath and Beyond to return the pillow...

I'm back in my apartment with my new pillow now. I added more money to the already expensive pillow for a better one. I've spent a fortune on a pillow. How dumb.

Monday, June 29, 2009


It's not easy to swallow failure. I admit that there are times when I think I'm smart, and there are also times when I think I'm average, and just like today, there are also times when I think I'm dumb. Overall, I always think I'm somewhere in the middle just floating.

Failing hurts. But it's a good reminder to stay humble and work harder and listen to people's advices. Right now I feel like I'm at an all time low. That feeling will eventually subside by tomorrow morning. I'm hoping that in a month from now, when I have my study materials for course six I'll have all the anger and shame that I felt today and let it go on the books.

Lessons have to be learned. Excuses have to be tucked away. Mark my words, I will come back with a vengeance. It won't be pretty.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The End?

I know education should be never ending. That I should thirst for knowledge till the end of my days. But formal education is taking a toll on me. I've already left university for two years now, failing two actuarial exams on the way, and right now I have no idea when I'll ever be finished with the exams.

Last Thursday the results for exam 7 and 8 came out. The passing rate for the CAS exam is around 40%. The passing rate for Milliman CAS people? 100% right now... so far. We've been told that the exam results are to be released between last Thursday till this Tuesday.

I expected the results to come out on Friday. I waited anxiously. I could barely get my work done on Friday; anticipating, praying, butterflies flying angrily in my stomach. The results are released between 2pm and 2.30pm. Between that time all the students (and for some, their spouses) will refresh the CAS website till the pages upload slower creating a sense as if the CAS website administrator is uploading the results.

The results did come out on Friday. But not mine. They only released the results for course 3.

I'll have to wait till next week.

I failed course 5. Everyone else in the office passed. That makes it 7/8. I was the only one out of 8 people who failed. I screwed everyone out of the steak dinner.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Congrats Zulie

I went to Zulie's graduation this morning. Still editing pics. But I'm gonna throw one out here just for the heck of it.

Pic of Zulie hugging her dad right after the ceremony

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I am doctor

Hello. My name is Dr. Nora.

I am a... sorry... I... WAS a medical student at the University of Southampton, UK. I've been studying medicine for 5 years at the university, until today, when my results were released at 6pm on the hospital board.

Let me tell you a story.

The University of Southampton is slightly different from other medical schools. Yes, the U-of-S has 5 years of medical school as do other universities. The U-of-S also has attachments in various hospitals like other universities. But, the U of S differs itself from other universities by - IF you fail your final exam for the fifth year, you DO NOT get to repeat the paper.

Really? Yep. But I thought. Nope. But I thought. Well, you thought wrong. That means if I fail this final exam... that's it? Yep. No second tries. No second chances. No forgiveness. Nothing.

If I failed this final exam, I would have to repeat the entire year again. That means I'd have to go through all six different attachments in different hospitals, pay tuition for another year, pay accommodation for another year, watch all my friends become doctors...

I forgot to mention. The U of S isn't as harsh as you think ladies and gentlemen. They are very emphatic to your feelings. If you were to fail the final exam, they are kind enough to give you a phone call before 6pm to notify you that you have failed. It's basically a heads up to tell you that you should not come to scrutinize the hospital board to look for your passing candidate name. Very kind yes?

I woke up at 9.30 am this morning. Eight hours and thirty minutes to go! Ahhhhhh.

What in God's good name can I do for eight hours and thirty minutes? Let me tell you. A lot. An effing lot.

Cleaned the room. Check.
Rearranged all the study books and notes. Check.
Talked to hubby. Check.
Try sleeping. Failed. Check.
Hooked up Nintendo Wii. Check.
Prayed. Check.
Told everyone who usually calls not to call. Check.
Cried a bucket. Check.
Check check check check....

Make it stop!

And it did stop. With a phone call. When I heard the ring I felt as if my heart had stopped. Time was at a standstill. All the thinking didn't mean anything anymore. What if I had done this what if I had done that? Didn't matter. Nothing mattered. There is a phone call.

But it wasn't the university calling. It was Mar who saw the results before I could get there.

I passed.

I am doctor.

Yeah bitches!!!!

The end

Sunday, June 14, 2009

By the way

To remind myself:

I will be writing about the poll I posted above ^

Only nine people voted so I can't really say that the voting numbers are credible. But I will assume that the nine people who voted (including me) live in a perfect world where the sample mean is equal to the population mean. More on that later.

I will write more about politics. For some sick reason I'm kind of passionate about politics. Not that I would ever venture deeper into it. We have enough people already involved anyways.

Tomorrow or the day after I should be receiving something I ordered last week. If the item I ordered is as good as I hoped it to be, I will write more about it in my next post.

The wifey is taking her final practice exam this Tuesday, for those who know her please pray for her success. Will write more about that in the future. Not now.

Night night


Statistics are important for Americans. I don't know why. They just love it for some particular reason.

In sports they would track down every single statistic there is in the game. It's pretty insane how they track them. For instance in baseball you would think that they would just save how many homeruns and base runs a player gets, or perhaps how many times they swing the bat and miss. Nope. They actually calculate WAY much more.

I remember when I was working out at the gym in Malaysia during summer. When I entered the gym I would just go to the bench and start lifting say a hundred pounds. I'd lift probably three sets, complain how much my muscles ache, then I'd head home sweating in the car. And that was about it. I didn't really jot down how much weight I should bench on the next day, or keep a log of how I should be working out.

No statistics were involved.

As some of you know I got pretty involved in running short distances (5 kilometers) lately. When I first trained I would go to the gym, get my feet on the treadmill and start running say around 2 miles. That is one mile short of a 5k run. And that was it.

Again, not much statistics involved.

But now! Now things are different. I am pretty much into the statistics thing now. This is my statistics list:

Running & Abs training
1. I will run 2 miles every other day.
2. Currently I'm running around a 9 minute mile pace.
3. I will progress my running until I can get to the 7 minute mile pace.
4. After each run I will do three sets of situps.
5. Each set I'm doing around 15 situps right now.
6. I will progress those situps till I hit around 30 sit ups each set.

Ambitious? You betcha.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The weekend

God damn, I just finished watching "He's just not that into you". And yesterday I watched "Wicker Park". After watching these two shows, I feel like I have too much estrogen surrounding my presence. Having watched 'em has got me thinking, thinking about the relationships my friends are involved in and just relationships in general.

This weekend will be a huge weekend. When I say huge I mean humongously huge. Bigger than those contestants in the Biggest Loser. Yup.

One of my buddies is getting married!! *cheer*
Another is getting engaged!! *double cheer*

It does not get any bigger than this.

Who would've thought eh? The "Bangi" gang has really manned up this year. Anas and I got married last year. This year it'll be Apai's and Jamil's turn.

I truly believe that the Bangi Gang is super awesome. All of us are like decent guys. If there is anyone out there that can't get along with us, trust me it isn't us, it is them. There is nothing wrong with us. We can mix around with anyone; be it someone from the city or someone from the village (kampung).

To the future wives of any of us Gang Bangi guys. I hope you realize how lucky you are to have one of our 'members' as your husband. So, when you do snatch one of us, please let your husband go out at night to the local mapley and let us watch football together ok?

Friday, May 29, 2009

To thy happy children of the future, those of the past send their greetings

University seems so far ago for me. It's been two years now since I left university. I can remember, and even have the pics of my graduation to remind myself of how great life in university use to be. Now I'm all grown up, happily married, and I wonder how all my uni friends are doing?

When I was in university I didn't think about how I was going to pursue my career. Or life. Or what ever. I just wanted to get past my exams, hang out with my friends while playing video games at it. I'm still playing video games. But the friends are far away now.

Where ever you guys are now in your life, I hope you guys find what you are looking for. Whether it be a companion, or money, or power, I hope you guys find it.

Drop by to say hello once in awhile. I might not have many friends, but when I do make friends, or to the friends that I currently have, you guys should know that I believe in being friends for the long run. No "good morning how are you doing?" "well I'm fine thank you" for me.


I've heard several times now about people who don't want to blog because they are afraid of the expectations that come with it. Those expectations can be in the form of regularly updating your blog, making the topic discussions interesting, making yourself seem flamboyantly verbose, etc.

The truth is, all of that doesn't matter. You blog because you want to blog. You write because you want to write. And that should be the premise of what makes up your blog. When writing, you can't expect yourself to write something interesting ALL the time. Everyone has their good days and bad days. Heck if you feel like it's your off day then you don't have to post. No one will blame you.

Of course, when you don't update your blog people tend to lose interest. Perhaps writing at least once in three days is the magic number? (side note: I heard that the magic number to giving someone a ticket is 50 bucks. If the traffic enforcement gives a ticket more than that, people will tend to contest their tickets).

Don't worry about how people perceive you. Write because you have something to say. That's all that matters.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Why Man U?

I hate it when people answer a question with another question. They probably think it sounds mysterious or intelligent, but in fact it doesn't. It just annoys other people. When people answer my question with another question it makes me think that - one; they can't explain their answer or - two; they are being defensive.

Just the other day I was in the office kitchen watching the Champions League match between Man U and Arsenal. While watching, one of the higher ranking bosses in the Chicago office comes up to me and asks me... Do you support Man U (Manchester United)? Then and there I said, "Yes, most definitely". Then I proceeded to explain why I supported Man U...

Now hold on, let's back up the story a bit. Ok. Try to imagine if he asked me that question and then I answered his question with another question. Imagine how that scenario would play out.

Scenario 1
Him : Do you support Man U?

Me: Do you think I support Man U? Is there anything wrong with me supporting Man U? Does it make you cringe if I support Man U?

Scenario 2
Him : Why do you support Man U?

Me: You got it all wrong buster. The question is, why not Man U?

These two scenarios are the most common scenarios when people answer a question with another question. The first one is because the person is being defensive. The second scenario is because the person can't eloquently explain their answer OR the person is just a dick and no one should be friends with him.

Either way, I would advise that people do not answer a question with another question.

Now, let's go to the topic that I really want to discuss. (Pretty long intro huh?). The real question, gents and ladies, is why do people support the sports teams that they support? Is there some clear algorithm that drives a man to become a Man U fan? Could it be that Arsenal fans support Arsenal because they like to speak French? Are Chelsea fans inspiring oil tycoons? How about Liverpool... OK I got nothing for Liverpool. As far as I'm concerned the team has no style or finest, they got nothing, nada.

The reasons I list below are reasons based on hierarchy. Reason 1 should be a stronger motivator for a person to support a certain team as compared to Reason 2... and so forth.

Reason 1:
Geographics. If you are from a certain city, you absofuckinglutely must support the team within your city. If you do not support the city team from where you live-in/are-from then you do not deserve to live within that city. Go pack your bags and move out. The land that you live on does not want you. If you are a plant on the ground you do not deserve sunshine nor water and you should perish.

Eg: I support the Malaysian badminton team. The Malaysian badminton team is my first priority as compared to the Manchester United badminton team.

Reason 2:
Family and Peers. If your family or close peers support a certain team, then you must also adhere to family/peer pressure and support the same team as well.

Eg: My brothers support Man U. My uncle works for AIG and gave me a Man U scarf free of charge.

Reason 3:
The team has one or two players that are too awesome to deny. If the team you support has exceptionally talented players that are extremely dominant, and plays the certain sport with such elegance that you enjoy watching him/her play the sport, you must also support the player's team.

Eg: Michael Jordan = Bulls. Eric Cantona = Man U.

Reason 4:
Winning. You do not want to support a loser team. A team that gets relegated to a lower division is not one that you want to be associated with. It is people's innate natural selection instincts to support a winning team. No one likes losing.

Eg: Amir should not support Newcastle because it has been relegated to a lower division. RIP.

Reason 5:
Being different. You do not always want to be like everybody else. Being different is cool. Why would you want to support the team that 90% of other people support? When the team that most people support win do you really want to be happy with 90% of the other people? Boring.

Eg: Ijai likes to support Liverpool because when Liverpool loses he is able to confide with 10% of his supporting friends. He feels special.

Ok I'd like to add more but I have a strict rule of writing fast when I write my blog entrees. If I get stuck it means I'm wasting too much time. Have fun everyone. Tell me what you think.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Haha cute song

Gaya lagu ni cam gaya lagu yang sesuai untuk kau Jai. Buat aaa cover.

haha gaya cam same kan

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Scary Mary

I won't go into the details... I just bought my first stock today. It's a scary experience knowing that you could lose money. But I think I'll give myself a shot at this. Who knows what could happen. The market seems to be going back up from it's lowest hole. Consumer confidence is slowly returning. Job creation really isn't happening all that much, but give it some time and everything will be more manageable (I don't believe that things would return to pre-recession rates)

The fact is, the wealth that America has been accumulating before isn't real. Lending and borrowing. Fake money being pushed left and right. Money not backed by gold, but actually created from thin air by assuming demand and supply confidence. Creditors slicing your wrists with their 20% interest rates. Hedge funds lending out money 30 times what they really have. Madoff ponzi schemes.

But, you go with what you got. The system is there. You don't have the power to change its fundamentals. So what you do is you learn how to beat the system. Hopefully, the system doesn't beat me down instead by turning my investments into shambles.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


It is 11.30pm right now at my house.

It is too easy to give up now.

It is too easy to say "F it! I'm going to sleep!"

It is too easy to not look at my books when they are staring at me.

It is too easy to be average.

I don't like easy.

So I'm sleeping at 2am.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Camera forum for the win

I did it, I ordered a laptop. I decided I did not what to spend $1250 on a laptop (the Toshiba I linked) and that $1K was my MAX. I had a nice (less expensive) Toshiba picked out on Newegg for $1K when adamjohari sent me this link in a PM


I specking out a nice HP Pavilion with the same or better specs for $900 Free shipping too!

Here are the basics specs:
Monitor: 17" 1600x900 WS
CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.40GHz 3MB L2 cache 1066MHz FSB
RAM: 4GB DDR2 800MHz
HD: 320GB 5400rpm
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 4530 with 512 DDR2 800MHz
Networking: 10/100Mbps and Intel Next-Gen Wireless-N
OS: Vista Home Premium 64 bit

I decided to go 64bit Vista to try it out despte not being compatible with Nikon software. Hopefully Nikon fixes that soon or at least makes things compatible with Windows 7. For now this computer is mainly for my wife.

Thanks again to all of you for the input. I checked out all your suggestions and It helped me think things through.


Thursday, April 30, 2009


Legend has it that there was a warrior so strong, that if he were to just stare long enough at an enemy, that enemy would disintegrate into nothingness. That warrior's name was AJ. AJ was the ruler of the land; he was yellow, Asian, and tall. Being the ruler of "Actuaria", he made sure that any enemies that would invade his country pay the hefty price of death.

However, there was also another master warrior by the name of Feldblum. As legend has it, Feldblum had the strength of a thousand horses built into one (just like the one in Troy). He could harness the power of the wind, and at his mercy use Jedi mind tricks to fool his enemies. He was greedy, intolerant, and had the thirst to kill 70% of people who trespassed his territory.

One day, Feldblum decided that his cult of minions were strong enough to overtake Actuaria. Feldblum and his minions grew stronger by each day.

A "negotiator" was sent to Actuaria, demanding that AJ give up his power and land. And that all 1000 of his hottest concubines be given to Feldblum and stamped with Feldblum's infamous logo that looked like a "WC" symbol.

The negotiations failed, and Feldblum sent a bunch of his strongest warriors to destroy Actuaria. Feldblum went together with his minions to the battlefield himself.

But little did Feldblum know that AJ was already at the front of the Great Wall of BA 2 Plus - the gate that guarded Actuaria.

The fight began...

With one round house kick AJ took out 5 enemies. **round house kick** "Die!!! wuppaaaa!!". Nyce, CAS SOP, McClenahan, Bouska, and ASOP number 13 were sent flying.

Then, he hardened his fists, and gave Jones one good punch into his stomach. The punch was so strong, that it went through Jones, Schofield, Werner, Boor and Palmer. All of them died instantly. Blood gushing out as if a volcano erupted in their stomachs.

Before any of the enemies knew it, AJ had already leap into the air. On his way down he did the Buddha Fist magic attack, exactly like the one in that Stephen Chow movie, and Brown, Finger, Myhr, Anderson, Kelley, Walters, Flitner, Graves, Marker, Moncher, Prevosto, Sherwood, Bourdon and Wiening were pummeled into the ground. They never say the day light again.

Everyone of Feldblum's underlings were turned into a speck of dust in no time. Alas, Feldblum was the only one left.

To be continued....

Monday, April 27, 2009

Of fussiness and customer service

The customer service is impeccable over here. If you don't like something that you bought, or you just believe that the product you purchased doesn't live up to the hype or standards, you can just return your item. When you return your item, some of the shops might ask as to why you are returning their product, but even if they did, they would ask in such a nice way to not offend you.

Different scenario, this actually happened in Petaling Street. My brother saw a guy from Taiwan who had just purchased a bootleg/haram DVD. Upon inspection of that DVD, he noticed that the bottom of it had some scratches that might affect the viewing quality (not that he should expect much viewing quality from a bootleg DVD) - so he decided to return it. But the Taiwanese made one fatal error, he already gave the dealer his cash. The Taiwanese argued that he wanted his money back while the dealer wanted to give the Taiwanese a different DVD. Their argument escalated, and soon enough the dealer was already out of his stall, preparing for a fist fight to ensure.

What happened to the Taiwanese guy? I dunno. My brother couldn't care less and had left the place.

Scenario two, I go to a fast food joint where you can choose your sides. A guy who was in line before me ordered two bowls of dishes. While ordering, he asked that "extra black beans" be placed in the second bowl, which was for his wife. The server placed in two giant scoops of black beans into that plate as ordered. But the guy who is married to the "wife that loves black beans" knew better, he asked that an additional scoop be added. So the server placed in another giant scoop. While still in line the wife jumps in. She takes a look at her plate, and as you may imagine how my story would go, she asks,"can I have one more scoop of black beans?". The server adds another scoop for the lady.

Seeing this I accidentally laugh cause I was thinking that this girl must love her black beans and that her husband knows it. She took it the wrong way though and decided to give me the "stare".

Like ooooo I'm so scared. Lady, I have a buzzcut. And I'm Asian. Your husband must think I know kung-fu. So back off.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Bear vs Tiger

Recently I've been looking at all these National Geographic videos on youtube. I'm not doing any kind of research. I'm just curious on how other animals besides us humans live - how they interact, how they kill their prey, what unique characteristics do they have and so forth.

I've been trying to find a video of a bear vs a tiger. But I couldn't find anyone of those. Who do you think would win? My money would have to go to the bear. I hear they have a huge bitch slap that would knock any living thing down. Whether the bear's bitch slap is stronger than my wife's bitch slap... I dunno. They pretty much equal each other. Or at least cancel each other out.

After searching numerous videos - "Bear vs Tiger", "Most poisonous animal", "Loudest animal", "Grizzly bear", "Polar Bear", "Python", "Zebra vs Tiger", "Gorillas", "Top ten most dangerous animals"... and so many more searches...

I found one that interested me:

This animal reminds me of Street Fighter (the game). Tiger Uppercut!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

The War on Actuarial Exams

How come every time I see someone post some lyrics on their blog or on their facebook profile it would be lyrics of some chick flick song?

To counter those people, I'm going to post the lyrics for a song I imagine inside my head every time I prepare for my actuarial exams. I'll attach a video too.

"Till I Collapse"
(feat. Nate Dogg)

'Cause sometimes you feel tired,
feel weak, and when you feel weak, you feel like you wanna just give up.
But you gotta search within you, you gotta find that inner strength
and just pull that shit out of you and get that motivation to not give up
and not be a quitter, no matter how bad you wanna just fall flat on your face and collapse.

[B/W Intro:]
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left
Yo left, yo left, yo left right left

[Verse #1:]
Till I collapse I’m spilling these raps long as you feel em
Till the day that I drop you'll never say that I'm not killing them
Cause when I am not then I am stop pinning them
And I am not hip-hop and I’m just not Eminem.
Subliminal thoughts when I'm stop sending them women are caught in webs spin and hauk venom
Adrenaline shots of penicillin could not get the illing to stop.
Amoxacilin is just not real enough.
The criminal cop killing hip-hop filling minimal swap to cop millions of Pac listeners.
Your coming with me, feel it or not you’re gonna fear it like I showed you the spirit of god lives in us.
You hear it a lot, lyrics the shock is it a miracle or am I just a product of pop fizzing up.
For shizzle my whizzle this is the plot listen up you bizzles forgot slizzle does not give a fuck.

[Chorus - NateDogg]
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out - am I high? Perhaps
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse.
Till the roof comes off, till the lights go out
Till my legs give out, can’t shut my mouth.
Till the smoke clears out and my high burn out
I'ma rip this shit till my bone collapse.

[Verse #2:]
Music is like magic there’s a certain feeling you get when your real
and you spit and people are feeling your shit.
This is your moment and every single minute you spend trying to hold onto it
cause you may never get it again.
So while you’re in it try to get as much shit as you can
and when your run is over just admit when its at its end.
Cause I'm at the end of my wits with half this shit that gets in.
I got a list here's the order of my list that it's in.
It goes, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me.
But in this industry I'm the cause of a lot of envy, so when I’m not put on this list the shit does not offend me.
That's why you see me walk around like nothing's bothering me.
Even though half you people got a fucking problem with me.
You hate it but you know respect you’ve got to give me
The press's wet dream like Bobby and Whitney. Nate hit me.

[Chorus - NateDogg]

[Verse #3:]
Soon as a verse starts I eat it at MC’s heart
what is he thinking? How not to go against me? Smart.
And its absurd how people hang on every word.
I’ll probably never get the props I feel I ever deserve
But I’ll never be served my spot is forever reserved
If I ever leave earth that would be the death of me first.
Cause in my heart of hearts I know nothing could ever be worse.
That’s why I’m clever when I put together every verse
My thoughts are sporadic, I act like I’m an addict
I rap like I’m addicted to smack like I’m Kim Mathers.
But I don’t want to go forth and back in constant battles
The fact is I would rather sit back and bomb some rappers.
So this is like a full blown attack I’m launching at them
The track is on some battling raps who want some static
Cause I don’t really think that the fact that I’m Slim matters
A plaque of platinum status is whack if I'm not the baddest.

[Chorus - NateDogg]

[Eminem & Natedogg Echo:]
Until the roof
The roof comes off
Until my legs
give out from underneath me

I will not fall,
I will stand tall,
Feels like no one could beat me.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Night time...

It's 10pm here at the office. You'd think I'd be alone in this cubicle now while all the corridor lights are switched off. But you are wrong. Everyone else in my division (casualty) is still here as well. There will be no scenes from the "Grudge" where I get stalked by a ghost and get murdered under my sheets going to happen.

When I went down to the U of I to promote my company I told the students there that my company had the most motivated and intelligent people in the business. I'm sure some of the students were thinking,"He's from that company, so he has to sing the praises for it". They are wrong. They have no idea.

The people here are extremely motivated. One of the guys in the office can stay here on a Sunday from 9am to 11pm just studying exam materials. He would go out from the room to eat and occasionally take a 5 minute break surfing the web, but then he'd go right back into the "danger room" and start revising material. We call him "the machine" in the office. Well deserved nickname. I imagine he changes oil from the socket behind his neck, yet I have been unable to verify that.

Don't even get me started on how smart the people here are. The Casualty office here has one of the highest passing rates in the CAS exams. And don't get me started on how hard those exams are. Maybe the exams are not that hard, as claimed by my brother who has never taken an actuarial exam. He's smart. And he could pass these exams with half of the effort that I go through.

I feel inadequate.


I'm happy to be in the company of such great people.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

One more thing

How come I didn't get the American accent "Adam" and Adam Ariffin got it? Like really? Just so you guys know my mom calls me "Adam" the American accent way all the time. Since I was small in fact.

Poyo la plak kalau panggil aku "Adam" gaya Mat Sallehs. Nevermind.

Time off

My brains dead and I won't be able to write until after my exams - May 13th. It just happens to be that my exam day is on the bloody day that racial hatred in Malaysia reached its peak. That must be a bad coincidence. Anyways, I've been going back from the office at 10pm almost everyday now. And I'm at the office on Saturday and Sunday too. I haven't started studying seriously until last week, so please God tell me I still have time to pass this exam.

Need time off.

Read my buddies' blogs in the meantime people:

Yang Penting Rupa
Little Miss-at-large

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No beef with BN or the government

With the rise of racism ("coincidentally" with the rise of PKR) and the uncertainty of the economy, people are more involved within Malaysian politics these days. Some of us think that what we have right now isn't sufficient, that the democracy we have right now is a joke, and that another party should rule our country. Evidently, people are entitled to their own opinions, and we should all respect that.

There are tremendous amounts of reasons for people not to support BN. Especially with the Ketua Pemuda UMNO who looks like a penyamun and all the dirty political money being stolen within the government ranks. The UMNO putras are untalented brats who have yet to achieve anything for our country yet they drive in expensive cars and have a stuck up demeanor. On top of that, BN delegates blaze their horns when they reach "kampungs" to canvas for votes. Makin sombong nampak.

But, and this is a big BUT, I really don't have any beef with BN and the government. You know why? Cause governments are not supposed to be efficient in the first place. Anybody who has studied an ounce of economics, sociology, or history knows that. You shouldn't expect much from the government. Or should we?

Some things that the government has to take care of should be better dealt with, for instance the safety of the citizens. Cops need to be fed better.

When it comes to education, I think the government is doing pretty average.

How about transportation? I think the transportation is good in Malaysia. We could add some rails and roads here and there but the transportation in Malaysia really isn't that bad.

Let me think, are the people of Malaysia fed well? Tepuk dada tanye perut la. It seems to me that Malaysians are not hungry. In fact, they are becoming more and more over weight in general.

I'm going to share with you guys a little bit of my life story so you guys can understand why I have no beef with the government:

I grew up in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. My parents are not rich people. They are educated people I will admit, but my family isn't rich. When I was 15 I had the opportunity to study in MRSM Langkawi. The fees for the education over there was free. I didn't have good food to eat in Langkawi, but I was fed. Dorms to live in were provided. I could also wash my clothes at the 'dobi' for free too. Over my two year stint at MRSM Langkawi, for the first time in my life I had the guts to ask a girl to be my gf, and she ended up being my wife.

I got into MRSM Langkawi because of the government. Who knows who I would have ended up with in life if it weren't for MRSM Langkawi.

Then, I went to study outside Malaysia. I didn't get a scholarship from a company cause I probably wasn't good enough. I don't mind. But who comes to save the day? The government. MARA offered me a scholarship to continue my tertirary education. Not only did they give me a scholarship to study in university, both of my brothers were government sponsored university students as well.

It doesn't end there. My cousins (Aunty Bibah's children) - Halina, Hamizah, Arif and Amir are all going to be doctors. All four of them are government scholarship recipients.

Governments are not supposed to be efficient right? Government is corrupt right? Honestly, I can't say that. I don't know if PKR would make a better government or if DAP would make a better government. But I know that under the BN government I was given plenty of opportunities to expand my capabilities and be a better person.

That's why I have no beef with BN. If you guys have beef, I'm not with you. Sorry.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Race Results for AJ

Next race will be the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge on May 21st

Till then

Friday, April 10, 2009

I am Runner

So tomorrow morning I'll be running the 5k race in Champaign and Urbana, IL. All these "Mat Sallehs" are so strong and determined when they run. I don't know if I'll be able to go into the top ten 10% as I initially planned... but who knows. Teringat aku dulu kat Jalan 3 when I had the stamina of a Kenyan runner, now all I have is 168 pounds of dead weight and the "all talk no show" facade I portray in the office.

I just came back from the sports center here at the U of I to collect my shirt and my chip. The chip will track how fast I go and how much time it'll take for me to complete my 5k race. There's supposed to be 10,000 people running tomorrow. All of them in various events - marathon, half marathon, relay, 5k, youth. I didn't actually count how many were running in the 5k, I'm assuming around 1500 to 2000 people.

The guys in the office say I won't be able to complete 5k in under 30 minutes. Haha. Time to prove them wrong :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

When your computer dies

I feel so handicapped without my pc. Like really... did my PC just stop working on me? The PC that I built say around 3 years ago? That PC had an AMD Athlon FX-55. Do you know how powerful an AMD Athlon FX-55 used to be? It was one of the most badass computer processors of its generation. Of course, that generation was 3 years ago.

What am I supposed to do when I get back home? (right now I'm in the office). Watch TV? Ngaaaa I don't wanna watch TV. I want my damn PC. Ngaaaaa.

My friend Vasan said that people back in the day, people who didn't have a TV or a PC, what they would do is just procreate.


Monday, March 30, 2009

Sunday, March 29, 2009


I would like to congratulate all my buddies who have successfully passed medical school. It's not easy to get that doctor title and I'm extremely proud of em. If I meet some of you guys in the future I'll remember to place those two nice symbols - Dr - right before I mention your name. Of course, I'll only do that once :)

When I get my ACAS, MAAA please do not hesitate to call me Adam Johari, ACAS, MAAA ok? And when I get my FCAS, MAAA please do not hesitate to call me that too. Just once would be enough ;)

Once I get my titles, say around three years onwards, I'm going to get my car license plate the following: "FCAS 1" & "FCAS 2". Don't copy my idea and start putting "DR 1" or "DR 2" on your license plates.

I hope you guys who have achieved that Dr. title take a good relaxing vacation. You guys should also pat yourselves on the back. Good things don't come easy.

Congratulations! Well deserved.

ps: Shuhud kau skarang Dr. Shuhud ke?