Thursday, April 30, 2009


Legend has it that there was a warrior so strong, that if he were to just stare long enough at an enemy, that enemy would disintegrate into nothingness. That warrior's name was AJ. AJ was the ruler of the land; he was yellow, Asian, and tall. Being the ruler of "Actuaria", he made sure that any enemies that would invade his country pay the hefty price of death.

However, there was also another master warrior by the name of Feldblum. As legend has it, Feldblum had the strength of a thousand horses built into one (just like the one in Troy). He could harness the power of the wind, and at his mercy use Jedi mind tricks to fool his enemies. He was greedy, intolerant, and had the thirst to kill 70% of people who trespassed his territory.

One day, Feldblum decided that his cult of minions were strong enough to overtake Actuaria. Feldblum and his minions grew stronger by each day.

A "negotiator" was sent to Actuaria, demanding that AJ give up his power and land. And that all 1000 of his hottest concubines be given to Feldblum and stamped with Feldblum's infamous logo that looked like a "WC" symbol.

The negotiations failed, and Feldblum sent a bunch of his strongest warriors to destroy Actuaria. Feldblum went together with his minions to the battlefield himself.

But little did Feldblum know that AJ was already at the front of the Great Wall of BA 2 Plus - the gate that guarded Actuaria.

The fight began...

With one round house kick AJ took out 5 enemies. **round house kick** "Die!!! wuppaaaa!!". Nyce, CAS SOP, McClenahan, Bouska, and ASOP number 13 were sent flying.

Then, he hardened his fists, and gave Jones one good punch into his stomach. The punch was so strong, that it went through Jones, Schofield, Werner, Boor and Palmer. All of them died instantly. Blood gushing out as if a volcano erupted in their stomachs.

Before any of the enemies knew it, AJ had already leap into the air. On his way down he did the Buddha Fist magic attack, exactly like the one in that Stephen Chow movie, and Brown, Finger, Myhr, Anderson, Kelley, Walters, Flitner, Graves, Marker, Moncher, Prevosto, Sherwood, Bourdon and Wiening were pummeled into the ground. They never say the day light again.

Everyone of Feldblum's underlings were turned into a speck of dust in no time. Alas, Feldblum was the only one left.

To be continued....


Anonymous said...

FYI - Feldblum has like 5 or 6 lives.

Anonymous said...

AJ, you are up in the night. Feldblum would whoop your ass and if you don't quit wasting time posting blogs, in about a week all your enemies will kick your ass, take your concubines and your land (oh yeah, and there won't any raises)