Tuesday, April 14, 2009

No beef with BN or the government

With the rise of racism ("coincidentally" with the rise of PKR) and the uncertainty of the economy, people are more involved within Malaysian politics these days. Some of us think that what we have right now isn't sufficient, that the democracy we have right now is a joke, and that another party should rule our country. Evidently, people are entitled to their own opinions, and we should all respect that.

There are tremendous amounts of reasons for people not to support BN. Especially with the Ketua Pemuda UMNO who looks like a penyamun and all the dirty political money being stolen within the government ranks. The UMNO putras are untalented brats who have yet to achieve anything for our country yet they drive in expensive cars and have a stuck up demeanor. On top of that, BN delegates blaze their horns when they reach "kampungs" to canvas for votes. Makin sombong nampak.

But, and this is a big BUT, I really don't have any beef with BN and the government. You know why? Cause governments are not supposed to be efficient in the first place. Anybody who has studied an ounce of economics, sociology, or history knows that. You shouldn't expect much from the government. Or should we?

Some things that the government has to take care of should be better dealt with, for instance the safety of the citizens. Cops need to be fed better.

When it comes to education, I think the government is doing pretty average.

How about transportation? I think the transportation is good in Malaysia. We could add some rails and roads here and there but the transportation in Malaysia really isn't that bad.

Let me think, are the people of Malaysia fed well? Tepuk dada tanye perut la. It seems to me that Malaysians are not hungry. In fact, they are becoming more and more over weight in general.

I'm going to share with you guys a little bit of my life story so you guys can understand why I have no beef with the government:

I grew up in Bandar Baru Bangi, Selangor. My parents are not rich people. They are educated people I will admit, but my family isn't rich. When I was 15 I had the opportunity to study in MRSM Langkawi. The fees for the education over there was free. I didn't have good food to eat in Langkawi, but I was fed. Dorms to live in were provided. I could also wash my clothes at the 'dobi' for free too. Over my two year stint at MRSM Langkawi, for the first time in my life I had the guts to ask a girl to be my gf, and she ended up being my wife.

I got into MRSM Langkawi because of the government. Who knows who I would have ended up with in life if it weren't for MRSM Langkawi.

Then, I went to study outside Malaysia. I didn't get a scholarship from a company cause I probably wasn't good enough. I don't mind. But who comes to save the day? The government. MARA offered me a scholarship to continue my tertirary education. Not only did they give me a scholarship to study in university, both of my brothers were government sponsored university students as well.

It doesn't end there. My cousins (Aunty Bibah's children) - Halina, Hamizah, Arif and Amir are all going to be doctors. All four of them are government scholarship recipients.

Governments are not supposed to be efficient right? Government is corrupt right? Honestly, I can't say that. I don't know if PKR would make a better government or if DAP would make a better government. But I know that under the BN government I was given plenty of opportunities to expand my capabilities and be a better person.

That's why I have no beef with BN. If you guys have beef, I'm not with you. Sorry.


nj said...

Hey adam.

Haha, this post is like waiting for a bomb. I mean, you know the argument will be "lu boleh lah, lu melayu". But I, definitely agree with you that no govt is efficient! Some govts may fare better than others in some fields, but there you go, all trade offs.

Anonymous said...

I am so asking for it. The truth hurts :(


tania MN said...

Don't bite the hand that feeds you!!

Anonymous said...

The problem with your argument is that you equate BN with the government. BN is a coalition of political parties. The government is the body that has the authority and function to legislate, and is the vehicle used by political parties to enforce their policies. It's easy to equate the government per se with BN, because that is all we have seen since merdeka, but they are two rather separate entities.

BN never fed no one; it's tax payer's money channelled into government projects. Sure, BN as the ruling party facilitated this process, but if it's your (or your parent's) money then you are owed it, rather than being bestowed with it. We need to shift from the mentality that we are servants of the government - in a democracy they are working for us; we pay for their salary in taxes. When was the last time you saw your YB and your MP addressing local concerns outside of election period? Extrapolate this question to regions outside a 3hr drive of KL.

Still, we have never had any other party in charge of the government so as far as Malaysia is concerned, we don't quite know what the other party have in store. This is not entirely BN's fault - no other party has ever had the credibility nor the ability to challenge BN's position. Even the coalition that is the opposition today is a mishmash of parties with different interests, and is not mature enough to rule.

Granted different governments would have different policies, but it would be a major jump for me to believe that whoever that is in power would forsake basic amenities such as transport, education and health.

I don't want to see BN out of power as yet, because I don't think any party is ready to take over the mantle. But I also want to see an increasingly powerful opposition - if for nothing else, then to help stem the inefficiencies. As you rightly pointed out - no government will ever be efficient. But some governments can be more efficient than others when there is increased monitoring. At the end of the day, part of the role of the opposition in a democracy is to maintain check and balance.

Kudos to you that you have done well for yourself thanks to the government. Not many people in rural states can say the same, I'm afraid.

Based on what you wrote, I'd augur that you have some beef with BN per se. But not the government ;)

Raz *takde akaun blogger*

Anonymous said...

i didn't know people outside my circle of friends read my blog. *terharu*
