Sunday, March 29, 2009


I would like to congratulate all my buddies who have successfully passed medical school. It's not easy to get that doctor title and I'm extremely proud of em. If I meet some of you guys in the future I'll remember to place those two nice symbols - Dr - right before I mention your name. Of course, I'll only do that once :)

When I get my ACAS, MAAA please do not hesitate to call me Adam Johari, ACAS, MAAA ok? And when I get my FCAS, MAAA please do not hesitate to call me that too. Just once would be enough ;)

Once I get my titles, say around three years onwards, I'm going to get my car license plate the following: "FCAS 1" & "FCAS 2". Don't copy my idea and start putting "DR 1" or "DR 2" on your license plates.

I hope you guys who have achieved that Dr. title take a good relaxing vacation. You guys should also pat yourselves on the back. Good things don't come easy.

Congratulations! Well deserved.

ps: Shuhud kau skarang Dr. Shuhud ke?

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