Tuesday, July 7, 2009

White guys and Asian girls

Why are there so many white guys dating asian girls but never white girls dating asian guys?

This question is purely hypothetical as I have no intentions what-so-ever to try and hook up with a blond chick. I prefer brunettes anyways. Haha. But seriously, why? I asked a lot of my friends who are not asian and I got a few answers:

1) Height - Girls like taller guys. It's hard when you are a short asian trying to hook up with a tall white girl.

2) Strict Chinese Household - A lot of white girls have this belief that if they end up with an asian guy they will end up being in a strict Chinese household. Their children will be forced to learn algebra at the age of 7 and learn to spell the alphabet in prime numbers. b c e g etc.

3) Scary Mother-in-law - White girls are afraid of the asian mother in law. I know I would be.

4) Error in communication - asian guys usually become quiet when they reach an older age. It's weird. Communication just falls apart. How many times have we seen the asian dad who barely speaks?

5) False misrepresentation of certain body parts - I made this one up. But I know some of you dimwits are thinking about this one. This notion is false. I can't prove it without seeming vulgar.

6) Asian guys are ugly - I made this one up too. Have to harshly disagree with this one. Daniel Henney for the win.

Ok I can't really think of more. Why asian guys are never going to score with white girls will always seem to be a mystery to me...


tania MN said...

Daniel Henney is part white so he does not fall into the category of 'Asian guys'......mixed Asian + white are usually more superior in the looks department anyway.

I think it has to do with the fact that alot of white guys have Asian fetish (they just can't resist cute petite Asian girls?)...but I suppose white girls don't have Asian boys fetish (cute petite Asian boys don't sound as appealing though...sorry ><)

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