Sunday, June 14, 2009

By the way

To remind myself:

I will be writing about the poll I posted above ^

Only nine people voted so I can't really say that the voting numbers are credible. But I will assume that the nine people who voted (including me) live in a perfect world where the sample mean is equal to the population mean. More on that later.

I will write more about politics. For some sick reason I'm kind of passionate about politics. Not that I would ever venture deeper into it. We have enough people already involved anyways.

Tomorrow or the day after I should be receiving something I ordered last week. If the item I ordered is as good as I hoped it to be, I will write more about it in my next post.

The wifey is taking her final practice exam this Tuesday, for those who know her please pray for her success. Will write more about that in the future. Not now.

Night night

1 comment:

tania MN said...

You certainly can't represent the population with a sample size of 9 >_<