Friday, May 29, 2009


I've heard several times now about people who don't want to blog because they are afraid of the expectations that come with it. Those expectations can be in the form of regularly updating your blog, making the topic discussions interesting, making yourself seem flamboyantly verbose, etc.

The truth is, all of that doesn't matter. You blog because you want to blog. You write because you want to write. And that should be the premise of what makes up your blog. When writing, you can't expect yourself to write something interesting ALL the time. Everyone has their good days and bad days. Heck if you feel like it's your off day then you don't have to post. No one will blame you.

Of course, when you don't update your blog people tend to lose interest. Perhaps writing at least once in three days is the magic number? (side note: I heard that the magic number to giving someone a ticket is 50 bucks. If the traffic enforcement gives a ticket more than that, people will tend to contest their tickets).

Don't worry about how people perceive you. Write because you have something to say. That's all that matters.

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