Thursday, March 12, 2009


Sometimes I wish that the Malaysian government would just abolish scholarships. People abuse it so much these days. It's ridiculous that the government spends so much money on our kids' education when some of them don't appreciate it.

Some kids get scholarships and still they aren't satisfied. They look at other scholarships that have better offers and get pissed off thinking they should have got that one. Ingrates.

Some kids are super rich yet they also get a scholarship. For what? If your daddy can pay why do you get a scholarship when some other poor kid misses out?

Some kids are just plain dumb or plain lazy. Those kids do not deserve scholarships the most. If you feel like you are going to play music, play video games, hang out/chilling all the time, even if you pray all the freaking time but you don't study... then don't take the scholarship. You weren't given the scholarship to learn religious studies.

I hate scholarships even though I got one. I'm grateful for it, but at the same time I feel guilty cause I know there are other kids who deserve it as well.

One day if I become rich I won't let my children get scholarships. Even if they are smart and earn it, if I have sufficient money I won't let them take a dime.


njahmat said...

Adam, that's a good way to think. I have a friend, yang The Keen Observer tu, she memang didn't take any of the Petronas/BNM/Sime Darby interviews because her mother believes that they could give it to people who are more deserving (financially). So she's studying in the UK memang funded privately. Every cent. Very noble indeed.

tania MN said...

I feel very sorry for those deserving people (good grades and not financially capable) who don't get scholarships just because they are.....not malay. That just really sucks to live in a place where you are discriminated against based on race. OK people you can sue me for saying this whatever.
And then I see those kids who have gaming pagi petang siang malam? Masalah cinta sampai tak leh study? SPM dapat C pon boleh ada scholarship? WTF? Nonsense I tell you.

tania MN said...

By the way....I am truly grateful for my scholarship. I would have never set foot in this country and be where I am today without it. I even thanked my sponsor with a thank you card! ^_^

Anonymous said...

scholarships are around 50% bumi 50% non bumi for most sponsors these days. i don't see it moving towards another direction

SHiKiN said...

i think what annoys me more is when people with scholarship try 'tricks' to claim more money from their sponsors. e.g. some people I know were trying to claim for traveling to the hospital each day coz supposedly their sponsor will pay GBP 20 for each day of commuting, even though the journey actually cost them less than RM10. wth?!

that truly pisses me off coz those people are abusing the luxury given to them.