Saturday, March 21, 2009


Today, Malaysia has started implementing learning Math and Science in her schools in English, as compared to before where Math and Science subjects were taught in Malay. This new implementation has created quite a stir in the community. Some people are for it. Some are against it (A Samad Said. haha). From my standpoint though, I think that more people are for this new movement, however I might be wrong.

Let's try to access the situation first. First of all, Malaysia is a third world country. OK, some of you people out there are saying "No, we aren't a third world country" and instead consider ourselves a "developing" country. That works for me. When I hear the words "Third World Country" I imagine places like Uganda or Sudan. Anyways, being the "developing" country that we are, we have to be able to be honest to ourselves in accessing our current situation. Today's technology is moving so fast and so rapid that it would be almost impossible for the people in our "developing" country to keep up with it in our own language.

Almost everything technological today from rocket science to using Facebook requires at least the minimum amount of English understanding. However, if you are playing catch-up and you only aim for the 'minimum' in your pursuit, that's all that you will end up with - the minimum. Knowing just the minimum amount of English to get by with technology will mean that we will always be at the back... if not we will probably be mediocre at best.

I believe that is why Malaysia is trying to instill this new thingy called Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris (PPSMI) or simply put it "Learning Math and Science in English". To start standing and sitting with the other developed nations in technology at the same height.

Of course, there are always people who are against change. They are called Melayu. Boy, don't we Malays hate change. We don't care if it is good change or bad change or even changing seats, we hate change. Hardwork and Change are the two things that are Kryptonitic to Malays.

I heard that there was a note in Facebook created by some Malays who are studying in Imperial College, England that support the tearing down of the PPSMI. Well, I don't know you guys, but man aren't you guys dumb.*FU*. Haha. Some of you say you feel how hard it must be for the kampung (rural) kids to adapt to English. *awwww. Truthfully? No you don't. Non of you guys who are studying in Imperial even know a kid from a kampung. Nak berlakon sensitif plak. Tak tahan aku. Dah blajar jauh-jauh pun bengong.

I don't understand why that there are people who are against the PPSMI. You go to school... you learn Math (you really don't need English to understand this) and Science (not that much English involved) and that's about it. It's not like you have to write English Literature or compose poems in English.

The PPSMI will help Malaysia in the long run.

Maybe it's human nature to disagree with things. I feel like even if a good idea is thrown at the table, people will still disagree on it.

(Side note: I hate all these buzzwords like "Change", "Akar Umbi", "Democracy", "Hope" etc)

1 comment:

tania MN said...

"Hardwork and Change are the two things that are Kryptonitic to Malays" <------ahahahaha this is hilarious...i like it!