Sunday, August 1, 2010


Hello lads/chaps/mates. These past few days have been absolutely brilliant with great weather and marvelous food. None of that utter rubbish nonsensical rain that the British are so known for. A few days ago me and me wife.... urghh. Ok, I can't talk like a British person. It pains me to even write those few sentences.

Anyways, a few days ago the wifey and I went to a famous Pakistani restaurant in London. We were going out celebrating our 9 years (yes, you read that right) couple anniversary. After work, I met up with the wife at the Monument Station where we took the tube to get to Aldgate East.

Before I mention the name of the restaurant, I have to thank my buddies Vasan and Sze Yin for introducing this place to me. The restaurant is so famous, that even Tom, Dick and Harry go there. Yes, white people ;)

The name of the restaurant is.....


If you have been living in London and you love Indian/Pakistani food, then you have to get to know Tayyabs. This place is simply amazing. But don't get swayed by my mere words, let's let some pictures do the talking.

The mixed grill

I find myself to be a little special in Tayyabs, because the best dish that they serve, is not even in the menu! But I know about it! Haha. I'm so in the know *grin*. The mixed grill is the best dish served in this restaurant. It's an assortment of lamb chops, shish kebabs and marinated chicken. If you aren't that interested in the chicken and shish kebabs, then just order the lamb chops. You have to taste the lamb chops. The lamb chops from Tayyabs are heavenly. Sedap nak mampos bak kata Shikin. (Translation: so good that you could die)

Garlic Nan

Mango Lassi (some reviewer online said that the mango lassi is sunshine in a glass)

Karachi chicken

"There's so much food!"

The price of food at Tayyabs is pretty reasonable. It is no where near expensive, nor is it super cheap. Shikin and I usually spend around 12 pounds per person when we go there.

When it comes to Pakistani food, Tayyabs is just at a different level as compared to other restaurants within the same genre. The food here is mind blowing. Even Mat Sallehs know that. As evident by the long queue:

You would think that the queue is only during prime times like lunch and dinner, but you are mistaken. Tayyabs' queue is like this every single day, every single time. If you want to avoid the 1 hour queue, then you should make a phone call reservation of which you will still have to wait, but it'll be around 20 minutes outside the building. There was a time that I went to Tayyabs with Shikin on a whim. "Let's just wing it!", said myself. Yeah, right. Merajuk isteri aku. We waited 45 minutes, then gave up, went to a different place but with Shikin's frown not changed.

I wouldn't recommend Tayyabs as a first time dating place. The queue, the loudness of the people conversing, the very raw engaging food that will have your fingers smelling of spices by the end of the day and so forth just aren't the proper conditions for a date. But if you are looking for the absofuckinglutely best Pakistani food there is with out even the slightest of compromises, this is the place for you.

ps: to my friend Rachel, if you read this, and one day you decide to end your tenure as a vegetarian, I'll get you some of those heavenly lamb chops and we'll pig it out ;)


Faizal Rosly said...

kongratulasi atas ulangtahun percintaan kalian! sudah tiba masanya untuk aku menjadi pakcik bukan? kamon shikin

Anonymous said...

haha jai. aryan ngan akif kan ade. bile kau akan ke jinjang pelamin? bagitau aku at least 3 bulan in advance so aku boleh settlekan tiket kapal terbang.


Idlan said...

Hahha favourite aku ni Tayyabs ni