Saturday, August 7, 2010

2nd year

Happy anniversary baby


Faizal Rosly said...

ulang tahun percintaan, dan ulang tahun perkahwinan; kita kena bagi 2 hadiah berbeza ke? T_T

Anonymous said...

haha takde ah. usah semua tu. perkahwinan je perlu. sbelum ni ringan ringan tak kira. hahaha.


etc said...

happy anniversary, guys.

adam, to answer your question on the burger, yeah i think that's it. honestly forgot about it and didn't go and find out. also, american office > british. go team america, fsck yeah. and wtf durian, i don't hate it but i don't love it. but mangosteen isn't the best, either imo. gotta be fresh, crunchy, cold apples on a hot day. damn, those are good.