Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The best fruit in the world

Is not the durian. Durian is the worse fruit in the world. It stinks. It tastes like something that has been left in the refrigerator for months. There are people out there who 'named' the durian the King of fruits. Say what? Why is durian the so called King?

I shit you not people, though I have no experience first-hand of eating that spiky fruit from hell, the durian is terrible in so many ways:

1) After you eat it, your whole body starts to get warm! Really. It's a well-known fact. To counter act this fruit from hell, people would normally eat the mangosteen (the best fruit in the world, which will be discussed later on)  to cool your body down.

2) It is almost impossible to open it. How did man even know how to open the fruit? Wait, I'm going ahead of myself. How did man even know it was a fruit!? Did a farmer one day went into the tropical jungles of the northern peninsula and experienced observing some orang-utans and gorillas open the fruit up? Did those orang-utans open the durian up, ate it, and made orang-utan-styled "ooo oooo aaaa aaaa" orgasmic sounds of joy? Really, I don't know.

3) It smells

4) Your fart smells after you eat it

5) It looks ugly

6) You are ugly (emo) if you don't believe in me


Anonymous said...

i so agree with you. Last week my neighbour brought back a pickup full of durian and really 'stank' up the neighbourhood. He magnanimously distributed it to all the other neighbours( i didn't get any, he knows my stand on this fruit) and soon the whole neighbourhood had a feast. Even the fat rat which terrorised our backyard was found dead the next day as i suspect it overloaded on the rejected parts.Like you I don't get the fascination with this disgusting fruit but i think we're the minority here!


Anonymous said...

*high five* to Kay.

We durian haters should really stand united. I can't tell you how many times I've seen my parents bentangkan surat khabar and line up those bombs. They'll eat all of it, then joyfully 'complain' later about how too much of that death fruit they've eaten.


Anonymous said...

wierdo! u dont like pple insulting ur country but instead u're insulting ur country's fruit?? LOL

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

duyan sedap la..ruginye xmnikmati durian :(