Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Someone who I didn't even know called my beloved country "Boleh-land" on one of my friend's Facebook account. He mentioned the word on a comment, describing his distaste towards the MACC (Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission) on how they were handling the Teoh Beng Hock case.
Mr R I find it hard to understand why the MACC (as the premier government organisation for Anti-Corruption) would stoop to such lows. But then again this is Boleh (only when gomen say boleh) land.. :)
Monday at 1:20pm ·
Adam Johari somebody questionably died in the MACC compound, can't really say that its credibility isn't compromised.

@Mr R : i don't know you, but i find it insulting when people call my country boleh-land.
Monday at 1:32pm

Yes, that's the kind of person that I am. When it comes to my country I'll shun away from being afraid of speaking out. No takut malu. No trying to figure out a more halus way to make my dissatisfaction less apparent. No sugar-coating needed. I don't hide my feelings in layers of pacifistic disposition.

However, this person was unlike the keyboard warrior cowards out there, and sensing my antipathy in the blunt comment I gave, was kind enough to send me a personal message on FB.
Mr. R
Hi Adam, I don't know you either but apologies for any offense. :)

I call Malaysia, Bolehland as a form of sarcastic recognition of the oft used government catch phrase "Malaysia Boleh" as so do many Malaysians who are dissatisfied or cynical with the government promises and performance to date. Promising the world but failing to deliver anything. Didn't want to post response on N's wall :)


Hi Mr. R,

I didn't mean to sound offensive, if I did I apologize. It's just I don't like how the word Boleh-land is used to describe Malaysia. To me, Malaysia is our country, a separate entity from the government, and as a citizen I uphold the word Malaysia to its highest decree. It doesn't bother me if people mock the BN government, or Pakatan Rakyat, both of them deserve a thorough trashing from time to time, but I feel a little offended that people would use the general term 'Boleh-land' to describe my home and its people.

When Barack Obama went on TV before becoming president, he didn't wear the American flag pin on his suit, which made people from both sides (right and left) launch a swarm of criticism towards him. Even such a remote matter triggered huge repercussions; now in this case my country is being called 'Boleh-land' which we all know what it means, and I don't think as a citizen that I should just let such mockeries go idly by.

Again, sorry. I'm quite sure that you aren't the kind of person who isn't patriotic or in any way trying to insult our country. I'm just very nit-picky with terms and associations. 

My response was in a gentler form though. With it being Ramadhan, and the fact that this person messaged me personally so that, if we had to go to the mattresses, we could avoid that in my friend's comment section, I felt compelled to write back in a much better demeanor. But let this be a lesson to Malaysians out there: Malaysia is our country. Our Home. If you want to talk about Malaysia you make sure you use her name with respect.


Shimamon said...

Well said. My hat's off to you!

nj said...

When something gets you boiling, your writing becomes very entertaining. Your reply (or what would have been your response?) deserves a two thumbs up, bold, but without the edge of emotions. Nah, Selamat Hari Merdeka!

Ainul Shafiqah Shafie said...

I would agree with NJ. Your writing is pretty good when there's some really good issue. hehe.

But totally, a lot of Malaysians mock the country as if it's nobody's business. :(

On a different note, your honesty and courage to say things tactfully are some of the best things about you.