Saturday, June 19, 2010

US Soccer

Ever since I got to England everyone here has been making fun of the US soccer team. My US soccer team. Before the World Cup started a couple of weeks ago, everyone kept on telling me how terrible the US team is.

"Soccer? It's football! You use your foot to kick the ball. Football!", one of the ladies told me.

Another guy said ,"If you notice, all the countries that call football soccer, are not good in football. Just look at the US, South Africa and Australia"

Another guy went on a tangent and mentioned ,"The American football is the same as sissy rugby. That's why they have to wear those pads. All of them are a bunch of sissys"

My blood began to boil. "Need I explain to these people that American football is one of the best sports in the world?", I thought to myself. I took a more relaxed approach instead. "Well, they have to wear pads cause there is something called a forward throw in American football. If the players are running as fast as they can against each other, they would crack their skulls if they didn't wear protection. Plus, they didn't wear protection in American football back in the day. They implemented it cause all these college kids were dying playing it".

Before the world cup started every single newspaper in England mentioned how the English were going to trample all over their oppositions - America included. "England is bound to win the world cup!", hailed JPMorgan with their biased mathematical model stating that England was going to win it all. "The key to winning the World Cup lays in the hands of England's prolific striker Wayne Rooney", each tabloid said.

"I'm predicting a 3-0 score. England winning of course", predicted one of the guys in the office concerning the England - USA game.

Ok, then came the World cup and the USA vs England game. Please, somebody, tell me the score? 1-1! What is that? Is that a fluke? Could this be the revenge that I've been waiting for? Should I go rub it to their faces? Nope. I shouldn't. You know why? Cause I kinda like the English team.

Continuing on with the story...

Then back in the office kitchen all of the guys started telling me that it was a fluke. "America got lucky in that one" "Any other day England would have destroyed America" "England never does good in its first match". Hearing all those comments, I chuckled in the inside, cause deep down I knew they were hurting, and rightly so. A true fan always hurts when their team doesn't perform as they should.

After that, Deutschland came with a fury on Australia of which hadn't been seen in the 2010 World Cup. I was so amazed, and because of my amazement I declared to my officemates of how Germany is probably the favorites to win the World Cup. You know what response I got?

"That's very scary for your America Adam. Cause US will meet Germany in the top 16 match. England will be the top of the group, with America coming in second to meet Germany, which is the top of their group". ARGHHHHHHH. How dare you keep on undermining my US! BUARGHHHHHHHH. If I could only blow fire!!

Last night, England drew against Algeria... :|

1 comment:

etc said...

england haven't been performing well for a long time. i really don't see how people can kid themselves so badly. it's the same with states and australia, though. i guess that's what it really means to be a fan, sticking with your team even when it gets tough /shrug.