Thursday, June 10, 2010

Third World

Malaysians who read my blog, how would you react if someone told you that your homeland, tanah tumpahnya darahku, where your blood flows, Malaysia, is a third world country? Would you feel insulted? Angry? Angry and insulted? Or would you nod your head in agreement? Please tell me how would you feel?

A few weeks back a few of my friends whom are Malaysians said that Malaysia is a third world country. They reached that conclusion because they believe that our beloved country isn't as modernized as western countries. "Look at USA, look at England, do you think that we are as modernized as them?", said the few.

My patriotic blood was starting to boil. "How could I explain to these people that our country isn't a third world country?", I thought deep and hard (that's what she said). The truth is, when my head starts to get heated up I'm not able to think clearly. My mind just doesn't work when I'm angry. Hence, my reply was "No, we aren't as modernized as those countries. But Malaysia isn't a third world country." Pretty lame answer.

Mumble jumble, I started telling them that it was impossible that Malaysia is a third world country. KLCC, Sepang Formula 1, KL Tower, the governments ability to give scholarships and loans, internet broadband connection, the business within KL, nobody starving in the streets.... one by one I listed the technological advances and what ever I could conjure up to what makes a country not a third world country I blabbed.

The answers I gave weren't moving enough. They concluded that Malaysia was still a third world country, but it was a modernized third world country. Now what the heck does that mean?

That discussion that I had with my friends was a few weeks back. Now, my head is a little bit cooler, and my answers more coherent.

First, I think that we Malaysians should realize how lucky we are to be Malaysians. Kita kena bersyukur. The term bersyukur is so effective when said in my mother tongue. In English it's translated to being grateful.

How could it be that a so called third world country be able to select commoners such as them, myself, and many more people out there and give us financial aid to pursue our degrees? Do you think countries in Africa are able to do so? Have they, or myself, ever once in our lives have to do labor work or even know people who are doing hard labor? Nope. My friends and myself don't suffer. We have designer handbags/wallets, Playstations and 32 inch HD TVs. Never once did we had to go to the streets to beg nor did we have to tighten our belts because our parents have financial difficulty to place a warm meal on the table.

Second, I think we need to be a little bit more confident in our abilities. We got to stop looking up at other civilizations and start believing in what we have already achieved and what we will be able to achieve in the future. There is no way, absolutely no way that we are only as good as a third world country. I will deny it to the day I die.


jana said...


Setuju sangat-sangat,tiba-tiba rasa bersemangat.Bagusnya ada anak muda macam Encik Adam.

selalunya silent reader hari ini rasa teruja nak komen.

Anonymous said...

Malaysia is a developing country, by sentiment and facts (GDP per capita, PPP, etc).

The concept of third-world country itself is controversial, as it is only prevalent in the western world.

Hope that explains.

Anonymous said...

that was me.


etc said...

what manloque said.

depends on what context '3rd world' is used in. probably not the etymological one, so i'm gonna say by definition, malaysia is not 3rd world. malaysia was already in the 'developing' category way back in 1990s, and now apparently malaysia falls under 'newly industrializing', and 'islamic world', although in this categorisation, 3rd world has no place and its former countries have been distributed to other groups. still, beats the crap out of the colloquial definition and malaysia's placing in it.

Anonymous said...

there are developed country, developing country and underdeveloped country;and malaysia is developing country. the term third world country is relatively the same with underdeveloped coutry.

UIA political science student