Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Life as it is

My apologies for not writing in such a long time. I've been very busy lately. Two weeks ago I traveled to the Isle of Wight where the wifey works. We rented bicycles and cycled along the beach of Sandown. Though most of the day was foggy, only God knows why it was foggy at the beach, the later parts of the day became warmer and the fog cleared up eventually.

I haven't ridden a bicycle in such a long time. When I was younger I had plenty of horrible accidents when it came to me cycling. Chipped my tooth, scars on my face, etc, let's not go there. But because of those experiences, I got a little wimpy on that day. Bawak basikal slow nak mampos. Shikin on the other hand, powered through on her bike like a champ. When there were intersections she waved her hands to signal that we were going to turn. I would look at the incoming cars, or the cars behind us, and nod as if I were saying,"Yep, we are turning. Look at her signaling."

I'm attaching one picture here, the rest are in my facebook account. Sorry if you aren't a friend of mine. Maybe we should be friends!

Then, last weekend I rented a Mini Cooper via Zipcar and drove 90 miles south west of London to Salisbury where I got to see Stonehenge. Stonehenge is pretty amazing. I didn't really read the history of Stonehenge, maybe someone should tell me why they built it in the first place, but those stones in the middle of no where were an amazing structure to take pics of.

And here is one of em:

So that's what I've been up to the past weekends. How was yours?



Faizal Rosly said...

kau ingat tak kau kemalangan naik basikal masa nak pegi semayang terawih kat surau rumah aku? haa haa lepas tu langsung tak terawih dah sehingga dewasa

etc said...

you see, fog happens when there is a combination of high humidity and moderate to high temperatures, so it makes sense that the seaside...

i'm just messing with you. good to see you had a good time.

man, i used to love cycling to school. there was this really steep hill in front of high school that would be murder to climb in the morning. but when school was over, we'd just speed down in a drove of like 8 ppl and see who could get themselves killed by oncoming traffic. fun times.

Anonymous said...

kenapa kaki u mcm takde bulu..? u shave ke

Anonymous said...

kurang asam mane ade aku shave. kaki aku ade banyak bulu tapi sinar matahari buat nampak cam licin. aaaaaa
