Friday, June 25, 2010

Failed - again

My results came out a few hours ago. I failed Exam CAS5, for the second time. Before the results came out I kinda knew that I was on the fence on the exam; of course there's that teeny tiny side of the brain that tells you that there is some glimmer of hope of passing. Haha, don't listen to that teeny tiny side. He's mostly wrong.

The month before the exam I studied like a monster. Sleeping at 2am studying almost everyday. And still it wasn't good enough. Way to go Mr. reality for smacking me on the face.

Let this be a lesson to everyone out there. There's no easy way of success when it comes to the exams. Humiliation, sleep depravation, anxiety, feeling stupid - I've felt it all - again.

UPDATE: So I still haven't received my fail letter yet. I keep on wondering what kind of fail score I got. Hopefully it's a 5/10 and not anything lower. The management over here has asked what score did I get; my only response is "I know I've failed. I just don't know how bad". haha


Elly Saion said...

adam, hang in there.. they say third time's the charm.
my result comes out next wk.. errr hell scared about it :(

Ainul said...

awh dude. =(

I feel ya. But I know you can do it. Just don't stop trying. I think everyone has that one exam that's always a killer.