Sunday, November 15, 2009

They know

A long time ago Farhan asked me this question:

Mane nak cari pompuan yang cun tapi die tak sedar yang die cun eh?

He was basically asking for the impossible. There is absofuckinglutely NO such thing as a hot girl who does not realize that she is hot. It just can't happen. Cause all these hot girls always get attention from guys. Whether the girl be from the city, or the kampungs, or even in the millitary, the hot girl will always get attention from the opposite sex. Be it rich guys, ugly guys, smart guys, random guys, paralyzed guys, short guys, tall guys, guys with curly hair, straight hair, fair skin, dark skin... you name it.

Hey I'm no genius in beauty or fashion. So don't take my word for it. However, I have yet to see/know/talk to a woman who is hot and doesn't realize it. BUT, I have met women who are around a 6 over 10 and think that they are an 8 over 10. Now that's just sad.


Anonymous said...

Kejam gile that last 2 sentences. Hahah


etc said...

isn't 6/10 or 8/10 a matter of personal preference? still, i totally agree with your point, some people are pretty full of themselves.

njahmat said...

hahaha. but you can't deny there are some women out there who thinks they are less than what they are.

Anonymous said...

those who think that they are less than they are... are usually the 5 or 6 over 10s and think that they are a 3. but there is no girl who is like an 8 over 10 and think she's a 5. haha


Unknown said...

LOL adam, aku pelik since tiba2 terasa nk pg blog ko. Ni kot sbb nya haha.

BTW, bitch balik msia tak? Kalo balik tolong belikan UIUC nye car sticker. Thanks in advance.