Friday, August 28, 2009


The nail that sticks out gets hammered back in.

Western societies promote individualism. A person is to venture the world and stretch the boundaries to see how far s/he can go. I am I. I am important. By serving I, I will be actually serving society. If everyone serves I, then in the end everyone will be happy. You does not exist. We do not exist. Only I matters. And only the happiness of I is what counts.

In Asian societies, I does not exist. I had been butchered a long time ago. I was thrown down the well. Kids would run to that well and throw stones into it until I would bleed to death. I dared not to stand out. For standing out was considered taboo. We and Us thrived when I was down. Decisions made were done by We and Us. I got pushed to the corner. Silenced forever.



etc said...

preaching to the choir

njahmat said...

Adam! This is deep. I loike.

Adam Johari said...

amir and nj. somehow i feel like the both of u guys write pretty similar.


etc said...

are you saying i write like a girl?