Thursday, August 6, 2009

Dumb people

When I was at my CAS 5 exam seminar, the speaker told us that there were two words that he didn't allow his daughter to say at home. One was "stupid". The other was "fair". The first was disallowed in his household for obvious reasons - insulting another person's lack of intelligence isn't nice. And the second word was disallowed because the speaker didn't want his daughter to have the illusion that things in life are fair. Because they aren't.

I want to elaborate on the first word for a sec.

I convince myself time and time again that there really aren't stupid people out there. "Maybe they are just lazy", I tell myself. "Maybe they don't care", I tell myself again. "Maybe they are underachieving", I tell myself again times two. But this time, MAYBE I should look hard at the reality of life and just accept that there are stupid people out there.

The bus that I take to work has a rear door that you have to push ever so gently on the bar in front of the door before it opens. Obviously if the bus driver hasn't allowed the bar to be pushed, the door will not open. If the bar is pushed without the bus driver's consent (a green light above the bar has to light up), a little alarm will sound off. And boy, that alarm is pretty annoying. Hearing it once worsens my day by a small margin. But hearing it multiple times???? Just! Ticks! Me! Off!!!

I want to destroy these "stupid" people.

How dumb can you get!? The light has to turn green before you press the bar! If you have worked in the city for months does your blood move too slow to your brain that something as simple as an illuminated light become too hard to comprehend? Look at the light. It blinks first. Then you press.

Even the Pavlov dog knows when to salivate. Bell rings. Then it salivates. But these people never learn. NEVER!

Ok, that's my hatred of the day. I'm going to store it away now. *Exhale


tania MN said...

Hahaha I have a similar story to yours.
To exit the buses here, you have to, yes, wait for the green light to light up, then press this 'yellow strip' on the door, and *poof* the door will swing open for a good amount of time to let people out.
Most people here are so stupid. They try to PUSH the door open (which mind you, is really really heavy), and once they exit the bus, they let go of the door, and the door swings back into the other people exiting.....aaaaaaaaaa.
Press the damn yellow strip you stupid people!

etc said...

it's interesting that you should bring up pavlovian conditioning, which, actually has nothing to do with intelligence. pavlovian patterns govern conditionings that are interesting because they can work against cognition. in effect, for these people, you need to introduce a harsher negative deterrant (like shocking them with a mild current every time they push the door but the light's not green) and/or a better reward (like giving them candy when they do it right) and in a matter of months, people would be conditioned just the way you want them to :p

happy experimenting!


etc said...

also, i say pavlovian, but this example has already crossed into operant conditioning, and isn't classical pavlovian at all, but let's not get into semantics over that!

Anonymous said...

tania: people never learn. i just... can't... i don't get it.

amir: you haven't changed one bit. haha


Faizal Rosly said...

buduhs sebuduhs pakcik arbok kopitiam kawan. oh yeah high 5 adam

Anonymous said...

high 5*

babi punye pakcik kopitiam kawan. bile kite nak dapatkan revenge kite jai?
