Thursday, July 30, 2009


Sometimes I don't make sense. I mean, they make perfect sense in my head. But when I convey my thoughts to others, people just don't get it. For instance, when ordering roti canai back in Shah Alam I told the guy,"Nak roti satu satu ye".... The waiter was like,"????". Everyone else was also like,"????". Except for Jamil. He got it pretty fast. "Die nak dua roti canai dan dua pinggan".

Was that really a hard code to understand? If I were to say nak dua roti canai I knew the fellow was going to give me two roti canais in one pinggan. But since I said nak satu... pause.... and say another satu... that means I want two separate roti canais no?

I think I'm dumb. Maybe just happy ;) ~ Nirvana

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Yasmin Ahmad - Tribute

Yasmin, you were extremely talented in story telling. Hope you are still telling stories up there.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Out of town

I'm not in Chicago at the moment. I've been in England since July 15th and I'll be flying back to Chicago on July 27th. Currently, I'm just chilling with the wife and in-laws happily in Southampton. Her family is huge in playing Cho Tai Tee which rhymes well with geeks like myself.

I'll be sure to upload some nice pics when I get back. Pics of the wifey's graduation and just some scenery here in England.

Till then

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Friday, July 10, 2009

The end of the world

How do you think the end of the world will come?

1. Global warming - giant flash floods, hurricanes, heat, famine etc

2. Object from the sky clashes with Earth - comets, planets, asteroids etc

3. War - what kind of war? Nationalism war like WW1 and WW2? Or religious war?

4. Solar flare from the sun creates a magnetic shift in the Earths magnetic field

5. Big Bang Theory - after expanding the universe starts going back in and everything gets smashed

6. Disease - a new disease that is highly contagious wipes out the entire human race

7. Aliens, Vampires and the like

8. Something that we can't fathom - act of God

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

White guys and Asian girls

Why are there so many white guys dating asian girls but never white girls dating asian guys?

This question is purely hypothetical as I have no intentions what-so-ever to try and hook up with a blond chick. I prefer brunettes anyways. Haha. But seriously, why? I asked a lot of my friends who are not asian and I got a few answers:

1) Height - Girls like taller guys. It's hard when you are a short asian trying to hook up with a tall white girl.

2) Strict Chinese Household - A lot of white girls have this belief that if they end up with an asian guy they will end up being in a strict Chinese household. Their children will be forced to learn algebra at the age of 7 and learn to spell the alphabet in prime numbers. b c e g etc.

3) Scary Mother-in-law - White girls are afraid of the asian mother in law. I know I would be.

4) Error in communication - asian guys usually become quiet when they reach an older age. It's weird. Communication just falls apart. How many times have we seen the asian dad who barely speaks?

5) False misrepresentation of certain body parts - I made this one up. But I know some of you dimwits are thinking about this one. This notion is false. I can't prove it without seeming vulgar.

6) Asian guys are ugly - I made this one up too. Have to harshly disagree with this one. Daniel Henney for the win.

Ok I can't really think of more. Why asian guys are never going to score with white girls will always seem to be a mystery to me...

Friday, July 3, 2009

Bday boy

Tomorrow's my birthday. I'll be 25 years of age.

I think I'll treat myself to some nice sushi tonight ;)

Yeay me! My bff's website has some writings about me.

Happy bday to myself, and happy 4th of July!


Thanks everyone for wishing me happy bday. I didn't do much for my bday. Just hung out with Ezamil and watched Public Enemies - just the two of us lol. The show was ok, around a 6.5/10. I wouldn't really recommend it to anyone going to the movie theaters. Go watch the Hangover... that show is freaking hilarious.

Anyways, I came back to my apartment after the movie and booted up the webcam to chat with my wife. This is how she greeted me...

Love you to bits baby ;)

Again, thanks everyone!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Obsessed with pillows

What kind of person spends a fortune on a pillow?

For years now I've been sleeping on the most horrible pillows that man has ever seen. The pillows I've had were ugly, unreliable, no resistance, no neck support, no curves. My neck would hurt in the mornings. Every time I wake up I'd be cursing my pillow for rending me awake yet still tired.

Unlike my wife who has been using her trusted pillow (bantal busuk) for the past decade, I have had no luck when it came to pillows. Calling it no luck wouldn't be accurate though. It's more to like I didn't realize how important a pillow is for my sleeping. Until a few months back...

I thought that that problem of not having the perfect sleep would go away once I bought my 'new' pillow last March. The pillow cost 40 bucks. (40 x 3.2 = 128 ringgit). A hefty price right? Apparently no. That's not even one of the good brands for a pillow. The forty dollar pillow didn't even get me down feathers in the inside. Instead, I only managed to get a synthetic down pillow for that amount of money.

The 40 dollar pillow was used everyday until today. I got fed up with it. The support was terrible. I woke up tired, just like before, but this time I had the guilty conscience of spending 40 dollars on a pillow that didn't deliver results. Alas, I went back to Bed Bath and Beyond to return the pillow...

I'm back in my apartment with my new pillow now. I added more money to the already expensive pillow for a better one. I've spent a fortune on a pillow. How dumb.