Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The weekend

God damn, I just finished watching "He's just not that into you". And yesterday I watched "Wicker Park". After watching these two shows, I feel like I have too much estrogen surrounding my presence. Having watched 'em has got me thinking, thinking about the relationships my friends are involved in and just relationships in general.

This weekend will be a huge weekend. When I say huge I mean humongously huge. Bigger than those contestants in the Biggest Loser. Yup.

One of my buddies is getting married!! *cheer*
Another is getting engaged!! *double cheer*

It does not get any bigger than this.

Who would've thought eh? The "Bangi" gang has really manned up this year. Anas and I got married last year. This year it'll be Apai's and Jamil's turn.

I truly believe that the Bangi Gang is super awesome. All of us are like decent guys. If there is anyone out there that can't get along with us, trust me it isn't us, it is them. There is nothing wrong with us. We can mix around with anyone; be it someone from the city or someone from the village (kampung).

To the future wives of any of us Gang Bangi guys. I hope you realize how lucky you are to have one of our 'members' as your husband. So, when you do snatch one of us, please let your husband go out at night to the local mapley and let us watch football together ok?


ur silent reader said...

wicker park citer yg mana ek? josh hartnett yer? citer tu mcm pusing2 and belit2 sikitlah.. (or is it because of me yang tak penah tgk habis.. sebab tu tak paham?) hehe

Adam Johari said...

haha yeah josh harnett. the real wicker park is 20 minutes away from my current apartment. dulu wicker park was kinda ghetto, tapi skarang they're changing it to become a more 'happening' place. most of the hippies live there now.


Another Silent Reader said...

yes don't worry adam i will let him out to meet you guys and watch football with you guys and have that dirty talk with you guys like ijai always does on his blog :p

SHiKiN said...

hahahah who's that? mizah eh. i nak jd the bad guy la n tanak kasi adam kuar. just to torture him. hahahahah

Faizal Rosly said...

dirty talk?? contoh dirty talk: "yeahhh babe i like your chocolate salty balls...ummmm"

mana ada kitorang cakap macam itu tak baik menuduh kami

Another Silent Reader Still said...

yes shikin then i'd come to your house then we gosip gosip makan kochi kopok lekor in front of him until he is tortured enough :p yes ijai like we would believe you.

The Same Not-So-Silent-Now Reader said...

btw i'm not mizah.