Sunday, June 14, 2009


Statistics are important for Americans. I don't know why. They just love it for some particular reason.

In sports they would track down every single statistic there is in the game. It's pretty insane how they track them. For instance in baseball you would think that they would just save how many homeruns and base runs a player gets, or perhaps how many times they swing the bat and miss. Nope. They actually calculate WAY much more.

I remember when I was working out at the gym in Malaysia during summer. When I entered the gym I would just go to the bench and start lifting say a hundred pounds. I'd lift probably three sets, complain how much my muscles ache, then I'd head home sweating in the car. And that was about it. I didn't really jot down how much weight I should bench on the next day, or keep a log of how I should be working out.

No statistics were involved.

As some of you know I got pretty involved in running short distances (5 kilometers) lately. When I first trained I would go to the gym, get my feet on the treadmill and start running say around 2 miles. That is one mile short of a 5k run. And that was it.

Again, not much statistics involved.

But now! Now things are different. I am pretty much into the statistics thing now. This is my statistics list:

Running & Abs training
1. I will run 2 miles every other day.
2. Currently I'm running around a 9 minute mile pace.
3. I will progress my running until I can get to the 7 minute mile pace.
4. After each run I will do three sets of situps.
5. Each set I'm doing around 15 situps right now.
6. I will progress those situps till I hit around 30 sit ups each set.

Ambitious? You betcha.


Anonymous said...


Ko press 100 pounds? Tipu lah. Ko kire berat bench sekali ke hahaha

Saje melawat.

- pedot

Anonymous said...

hahaha. of course ah kire berat bar tu. damn bar weighs 45 pounds.

tapi aku lagi banyak running aaa skarang. sronok skit lari ngan member member sekerja
