Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I am doctor

Hello. My name is Dr. Nora.

I am a... sorry... I... WAS a medical student at the University of Southampton, UK. I've been studying medicine for 5 years at the university, until today, when my results were released at 6pm on the hospital board.

Let me tell you a story.

The University of Southampton is slightly different from other medical schools. Yes, the U-of-S has 5 years of medical school as do other universities. The U-of-S also has attachments in various hospitals like other universities. But, the U of S differs itself from other universities by - IF you fail your final exam for the fifth year, you DO NOT get to repeat the paper.

Really? Yep. But I thought. Nope. But I thought. Well, you thought wrong. That means if I fail this final exam... that's it? Yep. No second tries. No second chances. No forgiveness. Nothing.

If I failed this final exam, I would have to repeat the entire year again. That means I'd have to go through all six different attachments in different hospitals, pay tuition for another year, pay accommodation for another year, watch all my friends become doctors...

I forgot to mention. The U of S isn't as harsh as you think ladies and gentlemen. They are very emphatic to your feelings. If you were to fail the final exam, they are kind enough to give you a phone call before 6pm to notify you that you have failed. It's basically a heads up to tell you that you should not come to scrutinize the hospital board to look for your passing candidate name. Very kind yes?

I woke up at 9.30 am this morning. Eight hours and thirty minutes to go! Ahhhhhh.

What in God's good name can I do for eight hours and thirty minutes? Let me tell you. A lot. An effing lot.

Cleaned the room. Check.
Rearranged all the study books and notes. Check.
Talked to hubby. Check.
Try sleeping. Failed. Check.
Hooked up Nintendo Wii. Check.
Prayed. Check.
Told everyone who usually calls not to call. Check.
Cried a bucket. Check.
Check check check check....

Make it stop!

And it did stop. With a phone call. When I heard the ring I felt as if my heart had stopped. Time was at a standstill. All the thinking didn't mean anything anymore. What if I had done this what if I had done that? Didn't matter. Nothing mattered. There is a phone call.

But it wasn't the university calling. It was Mar who saw the results before I could get there.

I passed.

I am doctor.

Yeah bitches!!!!

The end


njahmat said...

Awwww! So this is a tribute to Syikin! (wait, did I spell that right?) Congratulations to Dr. Shikin (just trying out both spellings, sorry)! I'm sure you'll be one of the most gentle, kind, loving doctors around!

SHiKiN said...

awwwwwwww aby. terharu nye nampak the post. and i love the picture too. nampak cam scary evil doctor with licence to kill. kuikui.

nway nj, it's sHikin ;). thanks for the wish!

SHiKiN said...

oh btw, mar yg call i after kak fita checked the result

*mar wanted the credit given to her. muahaha

Marleena Baizura said...

hahahaaha :P

thanks shikin. hahah

*the moment both of us cried dlm phone.haha. tak akan dilupekan!*

Faizal Rosly said...

cayalah norashikin. skarang kalau nak sakit gigi jumpa dr shuhud sakit perut jumpa dr shikin sakit kena santau jumpa dr naufal. semua percuma oh yeahhh

Anonymous said...

oh uni soton still bole repeat year ke..uni birm xleh resit or repeat final year unless ade mitigation. kalo fail maknenye terus withdraw huhuhu
