Saturday, February 28, 2009

Life is like a box of...

shit. Yes. Life is like doodoo crap. When your daddy told you that you could do anything in the world if you put your heart and mind to it he was lying. In fact, that statement is probably the gayest shit I've ever heard.

There are impossible things in life. For example, I will never be able to become a great musician, perform open heart surgery, breakdance, win Malaysian Idol (akademi fantasia mampu kot), complete a marathon...

Say what? Yep, I will never be able to complete a marathon. I thought I could, with all the daddy talks I've been thrown at in my life I thought the simple inspiration by itself would "enable" me to run a marathon and win a medal (they give medals to everyone who completes a marathon). But nope, that will never happen.

I ran three miles on the threadmill today. I wasn't tired or exhausted or gasping for air, but my left leg felt like it was filled with blood and pressure. Alast, I had to stop. Stopping after only three pathetic miles is depressing. Stopping after only three miles, and now trying to study but I really can't cause I hate the very thought of studying is pathetic.

I want to go back to junior high school. I miss those times. Aaaaaa. I want my mommy.

1 comment:

Faizal Rosly said...

you can do it adam! ala dulu merentas desa kau boleh abiskan. pastu kau balik nanti bukan kita buat band ke. tapi guitar hero ah