Thursday, February 5, 2009

When you know something is wrong...

Remember September 16th, 2008? That was the day that your beloved Dato' Seri Anwar Ibrahim told you that he was going to topple the government. He mentioned that he was going to overtake the government by getting BN representatives to 'switch sides' and join the PKR. That day was supposed to be the most 'glorious' day in your lives, cause the PKR that you are so valiantly supporting was supposed to be the new governing body of Malaysia.

Some of you spoke without thinking. You said that democracy would win on September 16th. Really? How is making a party that didn't receive the votes from the people a win for democracy? From my understanding, a democracy is a government by the people, for the people. But you said otherwise, you knew in your gut that that was the wrong justice, the wrong democracy, wrong at heart but legal on paper. "The representatives can change their seats if they like! It is legal! Long live PKR!" you say. You fought for your stand even though you knew that that action didn't feel right. Some of you however were not blind, but you chose to be blind. "Aku takleh cakap pape ah. Aku tutup sebelah mate je bende camni. Janji PKR menang". To people who say so forth, I must say I admire your courage to win even though you don't use the right means.

Today, BN has overtaken Perak. Are some of you guys embarrassed? I'd be if I were shouting left and right about September 16. Guess what... you think PKR would have overtaken the government? You have a long way to go my friend.

At least, I can call a duck a duck. I do not agree that BN should have overtaken Perak. There should be a re-election so that the peoples voices can be heard. I scream true democracy. I believe that everyone has equal rights and even though I am writing this note pointlessly on Facebook at least I have the balls to state what is wrong and what is right.

But you can't.


tania MN said...

you know what the funny part is? PKR was all gungho about taking over the goverment via 'switching parties' and all that for Sept 16...

But after losing Perak, they're calling for the law to be revised to make 'switching parties' illegal.

What a joke.

Everyone only wants to use 'the law' for their personal interest....and not when it works against them.

Anonymous said...

well said!