Wednesday, January 7, 2009


For Adilla... this is a way to say that anything is possible with Adam J. lol

1. 5 Ciri Wanita/Lelaki Idaman Anda
(5 characteristics of your dream girl/guy):
- Doesn't talk so much
- Fixes me food
- Is outgoing enough to travel and go sightseeing with me
- Is supportive of my gaming (doesn't scold me when I am banishing monsters)
- Nice booty

2. 5 Ciri Wanita/Lelaki Yang Tak Pernah Anda Minati Sepanjang Hidup (5 characteristics that you have never liked in girl/guy):
- Religious chicks. I'm afraid they'll notice how not so religious I am
- Fat chicks... large is still ok
- Dirty chicks. Nasty in bed is commended. Nasty smelly hair and feet are not
- Strong jaw chicks. "Baby if you got a jaw like robocop... I ain't sold"
- PMS chicks. This one needs no explanation

3. 5 Perasaan Anda Sekiranya Keluar Dengan Orang Yang Minati (5 feelings that you have when you are out with the one you admire):
- Horny
- ......
- ......
- ......
- ......

4. 5 Tempat Istimewa Yang Ingin Dilawati Bersama Pasangan Anda (5 places that you want to travel to with your loved one):
- Spain
- Egypt
- Dubai
- Japan
- Bangi

5. 5 Barangan/Sesuatu Istimewa Yang Akan Anda Hadiahkan Kepada Si Dia (5 special things that you will give to your loved one):
- I'll tell you one thing Miss Lucky Lady who goes out with me... I will bring you to shopping heaven and I will teman you shopping for hours and hours and carry your bags. Oooo yeahhhh.
- Flowers
- Chocolates
- Handbags times infinity
- Clothes clothes and more clothes

6. Tajuk Lagu Yang Akan Anda Nyanyikan Untuk Pasangan Anda (5 songs that you will sing to your partner):
-Tangan yang mengapai. It goes like this:
Merenungi tubuh yang tak bermaya
dan mengusapi wajah penuh luka
Malang yang menimpanya
kini menghantui kita
apalah dosa hingga kau didera
ketika kau memerlukan kasih serta belaian
kau menjadi sasaran
- Kau ilhamku by Mambai
- Say a little prayer for you from the OST of My Best Friends Wedding
- Shake that ass by Eminem ft Nate Dogg
- You Give me Something by James Morrison


Faizal Rosly said...

lagu ni kau jangan lupa nyanyi dam,

"aidsssss membawa bencana,
aids tak kenal mangsa,
membawa derita sengsara,
siapa saja yang menghidapnya,

jauhi dari gejala dadah,
dan perhubungan jenis rambang..RAMBANG (suara background acap ciki)"

Adilla said...

I shouldn't have underestimated Adam J, as it seems! I was truly pleasantly surprised! ^^

Thank you Adam for humoring me -- as expected, I was highly entertained XD.

SHiKiN said...

haha. klakar laa ur survey answers

Q2: robocop chick just made me laugh

Q4: the places included bangi? haha. i dont think it falls into the category tempat dilawati if its ur home...

Q5: this one mmg u buat..and it's so sweeeeet

Q6: i'm still waiting....

tania MN said...

i swear this is freaking hilarious!

better than i could have expected...ahahaha ^_^

Anonymous said...

how on earth could bangi be in that list???!!!! doesn't make sense!!