Saturday, December 6, 2008


People who know me know that I don't read books often. I've probably read around 10 (according to my business technical writing class if the number is more than a single digit you are supposed to type it as a number like "10" instead of writing it as "ten") story books. Of course, most of the books that I read were purchased at airports, and I would read them during the long flights back to home.

Believe it or not, my vocabulary was enriched not by flipping through the pages of a book, but instead by playing role playing video games such as Final Fantasy Six and Chrono Trigger. The games had conversations and story plots that were more vivid and had greater imagination than any story book could ever give a young kid#. And for that I thank my parents for giving me the imagination and randomness that came along with those video games that they bought me. I am a better person because of it.

Anyways, the pembayang^ above is totally unrelated to the topic that I'm going to discuss today. Today, I will pose a question/statement/truth to myself on why the Malay language is a better porn language than English*.

I believe that the Malay language is easier to comprehend and learn compared to English. I can't really pin-point the reason why; maybe because Malay sentences have less rules, or that the grammar is very simplified, or maybe that you don't need to twist your tongue any further to enunciate the words.... simply put it, it just is.

However, being good in the Malay language is a thousand times harder than being good in English. I've read very good English books (a mere 10 in total) hailed by writers everywhere such as the Kite Runner, the Five People You Meet in Heaven and even Sophie Kinsella's Can You Keep a Secret?@... yet none of them have the artistic nature of this one Malay book I read long ago called The Last Concert aka Konserto Terakhir. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the English books that I read to a very high degree, but the artistic value of them weren't at the higher level presented by that one Malay book.

The artistic nature of the Malay language lies within the words that they use. This was pointed to me by my significant other. In English, the language that they use in every day life is really what they write in their books. In Malay, this doesn't hold true. Words such as "ragam", "lazimnya", "seruan", "maut", "peraga", "mendayung", "erat", "mengerang", "puas", "berahi", "hinjut", "terperosok" and so much more aren't really used in a normal Malay conversation. Because of this, people who understand the Malay language find it very intruigingly artistic when they read Malay books that use words that they know about, but don't use that often.

So, I am going to kinda relate all of this to porn writing. Let it be known that I do not read porn books. Not in Malay, not in English. But to the people reading this blog, try to tap your imagination from the sentences that I create and you can keep it to yourself whether you prefer one or the other. I prefer my Malay porn sentences as compared to the English porn sentences.

Exempli Gratia (eg):

Aku masih mengiurkan badannye yang gebu dan selembut sutera. Teringat aku satu ketika dahulu ketika dia akan mengerang kepuasan dengan hanya sentuhan jari jemariku. Dia akan menggengam diriku seerat-eratnya di katil sambil aku membelai rambutnya yang hitam lurus.

English (taken from Dave Chappelle's stand-up):
Ngarrrrr. I'll pull her hair! I'll smack her ass! *pshhh* The poor woman looked like a chicken on a rotisserie.

#screw you JK Rowling and your dumb Harry Potter books and your lead actor going naked on broadway

^pembayang = foreshadow

*it really is

@this wasn't really hailed by writers. girls love it though.


njahmat said...

Dah sah otak kotor! Haha, I read quite an explicit Malay novel once when I was younger. But it was kinda gross. This girl was having an incest r/ship with her daddy and there was this once the father told her to squat down on the toilet when she was menstruating. Bodoh tak bodoh? Heck, don't ask me where I got that book. You should watch this old, 80s movie called "Perempuan, Isteri dan Jalang" or something. Got Sofia Jane and Nasir Bilal Khan. Hehe, got some "grinding" scenes in there. That's the closest the Malaysian film industry'll ever get to see Malay porn. Hehehe. I am soo pissed at Shahrul, and tired of this dilemma.

Faizal Rosly said...

ghairah aku baca ayat melayu tu. ahhhhhhhh

tania MN said...

is that the best English example you can come up with? >_<

on the other hand though, the Malay one just gives me this idea of a darn sleazy gross guy.

Adilla said...

Mmm I've read a slightly dirty Malay book before. I ... do NOT like porn talk in Malay. Sounds so freaking disgusting and gross. Just makes me want to slap someone repeatedly.

But what you said about the Malay and English language - I agree wholeheartedly. I think the English language is very fun to manipulate with its versatility, but the Malay language is very beautiful, descriptive and poetic.

Adilla said...

Oops sorry double post! Just wanted to say: haha, you know I also agree with you that you can seriously enrich your vocabulary by playing games! Until today I can pinpoint which games I learned certain words from.