Friday, December 19, 2008

Bashing college kids

You know how you would make a big deal of the challenges that you are facing right now, freak out about it, while people who have more experience than you just sit on the couch like a potato and feel amused that you are freaking out in the first place?

That's how I feel (from the person on the couch's perspective) when I see college kids study for their exams. I can't shrug off this feeling of gleefulness when I see other people worry about their dumb semester tests. Its kinda like the feeling as if I'm going into a boxing ring against a 5 year old.

"Uuuuuu. Look at me. I'm studying as if I'm going to die. This is my third cup of coffee. It's a Saturday night and I am at the library reading this book for the third time."

Hahaha. Yes... that is me laughing at you college kid. Padan muka. Baru stakat amik exam nak glabah. Tidur tak tenteram la, makan tak kenyang, mimpi basah kene ganti dengan mimpi exam numbers.


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