Friday, November 28, 2008


Women are like a powerhouse machine when they go shopping. I kid you not. They don't get tired of all the walking, all the inner decision making, lack of sleep, or anything else when they go shopping. They are like a guided missile with cluster bombs. Once the target is locked, they would spread out their shopping list, explode themselves and knock those targets down one by one.

In my life, I've seen women be enthusiastic about a lot of things. Some of them enjoy photography, some enjoy music, some enjoy writing in their blogs, but none of the enthusiasm involved in their lives are as powerful as to when they are shopping. Remember the fight or flight response that we learnt in form 4 or 5 biology? In the normal case we should invoke that response when we see a huge animal getting ready to devour us, or perhaps when some small-fry tries to take us on and we know we can beat the crap out of him. The fight or flight response on women isn't triggered by animals though, it is triggered when they set their foot in the shopping mall.

The shopping mall is the arena of all arenas. It is where the weak perish and the strong reign mighty. Darwin's theory of natural selection never roared any louder then at the shopping malls. Women who are normally docile, good-natured, slow walkers suddenly turn into vicious predators ready to leap boundaries to get their 30% discount.

A heightened response, adrenaline rush, faster eye-movement and greater sense of awareness are induced when a woman goes to the shopping mall. Pushing, grabbing, stinky eyeing suddenly become expected in these situations. Playing fair never really was a concern.

Now the problem is, when a lady is so hyped up at the shopping mall, ready to attack under the belt to get what they what.... what happens when they don't?


SHiKiN said...

when they don't get what they want? they'll mengamuk laaa to their nearest companion. :p. tak pon menenangkan hati makan fries. haha

Adilla said...

You're spot on with your descriptions. I was skipping around SF in the wee hours of the morning, with only 1.5 hours of sleep fueling me. Ah well.

p/s: You write very well. Cis. Eh, I mean wow!

njahmat said...

But when a woman DOES get all she wanted out of her shopping mission? A COMPLETELY empty pocket and a bank account in need of some generous endowment from her father. HAHAHHA.

p/s: do get rid of the word verification. banyak songeh. haha.

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