Sunday, November 16, 2008


A few years ago my friend Manluq pasted an article he got from some lady that was studying in UK. I've tried to search for that article, but I couldn't find it. If I do find it, I'll paste it here so that the reader can make up his own mind on the message conveyed. However, do hear me out too.

Conclusion of the article:
1. There are two types of Malays
2. KL Malays and Non KL Malays
3. KL Malays can speak English and are more educated
4. Non KL Malays are like the kampung people

My thoughts:
Despite how well-written the article was, I can't help on noticing how divisive the points outlined were. This is precisely the kind of attitude that I hate about higher educated, city people. The attitude that says to themselves, I am better than you. The perasan bagus attitude. The inner thought that they think that because they come from the city, name macam dah mat salleh sikit, datang dpd keluarga kaya, kat rumah sebok cakap bahasa omputih, dapat pergi university overseas, that they have the birthright to chop a race up and split them into little pieces just because they don't think the same way.

I know, some of you will start saying "Ala, even kat US pun diorang ade split their people up. Tu ade redneck. Sini ade orang dari ghetto. Orang hitam. Orang asian.". First of all, kau ni memang dungu terlalu pandang tinggi kat Mat Salleh. Diorang pun same je cam kite, jangan jadi cam kura-kura masukkan kepala dalam badan (kalau gemuk tu lainlah. tu leher hilang. lain sikit the case) . Secondly, yes they do that sometimes, but never in a well written article from a person who's had a good educated background and high social upbringing. If someone from lets say Harvard, wrote the same article like this lady wrote, memang dah mampos that person would get criticized left and right from that person's peers. If say, a famous politician wrote this, that would be the end of his/her political career as that person would be labeled a racist.

I'm going to be a little biased here. If that person were say from the ghetto, dari lurah lurah celuk kampung Borneo pakai cawat stiap hari sumpit arnab untuk cari makan, and then suddenly he becomes a famous person and starts labeling his race, then that's fine. At least he has gone through the struggle, the hardships, the difficulties of the status quo set by these so called "KL Malays". For this same reason, I think when Chris Rock said that there are two types of black people; (1) black people (2) niggers, it is totally fine.

The so-called non KL Malays in this article refers to the kampung Malays that live outside city. I'm assuming that these people don't come from a rich family, can't speak English to save their lives, and their parents' incomes are from the lower class tier to the lower second class tier. Now the question I would ask the reader is - is it fair to label these people "non KL Malays" because there is a glass ceiling? Kampung people do not have the opportunities given to people from the city. Some of them can't afford extra clothes to go to school, apatah lagi expensive study material like the "Buku Pelangi" stuff we had to study for SPM. Their parents and teachers in school barely know English themselves yet you expect them to be a verbose in English son of a bitch.

This article isn't fair. It isn't fair to people who work hard and struggle to make ends meet. Personally, I felt that the article was condescending and ignorant. And coming from a lady who is a so-called KL Malay, it is just adding spit after the slap.

I'm drawing up my own conclusions on this girl even though I don't even know her. But I'm sure that this girl doesn't even know anyone outside KL. Has she been outside KL? Pernah ke die hidup under different conditions besides the easy-going life she has been going through in the city? Ever been to the kampung side? Does she know how poor the kampung people really are? Ni mesti die slalu kene kacau ngan rempit sampai die tulis macam ni.

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