Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I want it!

So Adam... tell me the reason why you're here. What are your goals?

Jake, I have only one goal...

I want a six pack...

*In my mind: Yeah you heard me buster. I don't care if you're a gym expert and you look at me and it seems that cause I'm tall and that I'm Asian or that my body fat percentage is off the charts that I was going to demand something other than the finest six pack my body truly deserves.

I bet Jake didn't see that coming did he. When I said I wanted a six pack... that was absofuckinglutely what I wanted. I don't want health. I don't want to live longer. I don't want to be in shape. I don't care if its the inside that matters or the outside or vice versa loop it around bottom to top. All I want from my gym experience this time is a nicely cut six pack between my chest and my south pole.

That's pretty much what the conversation revolved around with Jake from World Gym. Yep, I joined the gym. It costs 100 buckaroos to sign up, and 50 bucks for the monthly fee. Remember when I was in college and I'd always tell my friends (including perhaps you the reader) that I would get a six pack?

And remember the time when I did actually have a six pack? I'm sure you don't. Because I never did. I am tired of not having a six pack. I want it..... I wanit I wanit I wanit.

This time around there are no more games. No more boohoo you are tired Adam of jogging 30 minutes and you don't want to do anymore sit ups. This time you will suck it up. By God, if I have to cut down my calories and workout tonnes of hours I will get there. I will....


njahmat said...

Adam, I wish you all the best in this endeavor. *snicker snicker* Forgive the snickering, I like how you said "And remember the time when I did actually have a six pack? I'm sure you don't. Because I never did". Farnee.

Faizal Rosly said...

aku masa puasa dulu ada 4 pack tapi lepas raya ni jadi 1 pack balik