Monday, November 10, 2008

I am lame

I had a conversation with little Awil (anak bongsu Kak Nana and Abang Fikri) about mathematics. He was telling me that in his math class he was already learning the square roots of numbers, which in all honesty I thought was crazy brilliant considering he's only nine years old. Awil was placed in the more advanced math class compared to his peers; mainly because he is Malaysian and we all know that Malaysians are good in math. (Haha, brape ramai Malaysians fail actuarial exams).

Even though Abang Fikri and Kak Nana are right-handed, Awil and his brother Faiz are both left-handed. I'm sure most people already know this and it seems that I'm stating the obvious, but left-handed people use most of their right brain cause their reasoning side is the more dominant side in their brain hemisphere. One could say that their reasoning capabilities might be better than us right-handed people cause they use the reasoning portion of their brains more. However, just to not make those lefties think that they're better than us average righties, let me say here that I heard that left-handed people die earlier than right-handed people. Must be all the blood that pumps to their hearts cause they use their left-hands so much. Or maybe, just maybe they get infections cause they eat with their left hands.

Anyways, so I figured, "hey ape lagi, mari kite menguji kanak kanak ni". "Awil, what's the square root of 25?"

Awil pun jawablah:

25 = 5 * 5


Aku pun membalas

"bagus bagus"

And then aku pun sambung

"So whats the other number of the square root of 25?"


It never occurred to me that this kid is still nine years old. How could he have learned negative numbers at that point ;)

Pawned you Awil. I so pawned you. Hahahaha.

1 comment:

SHiKiN said...

hahaha u are lame! ade ke trap a 9 year old like that..