Monday, November 10, 2008

Another posting for the day

I had to write another post. Just because I'm angered right now, angered that some stupid Chinese politician doesn't know when to shut his mouth. To state a fact, I am half-Chinese and half-Malay so I can say any shit I want against any race in Malaysia and none of the races have the right to say that I am a racist. You get more percentage of different races in your blood first then you can come to me and talk crap.

So here's the deal. I read in Jeff Ooi's blog that he thought that Malaysia had Islamic political brainwashing going on just because he goes to Abu Dhabi and the hotels over there serve P O R K. He says, and I am paraphrasing for him, something that goes like - Hey if there is a country in the Middle East serving pork at their lavish hotel, how come we don't serve pork at our hotels here? There must be something wrong with the Islamic practice back in Malaysia.

Are you really that ignorant YB Jeff Ooi? How dumb are you? Do you know how disgusting Muslims think pork are? If pork just touches a Muslims food or utensils, trust me there is no freaking way that that person would eat any dish that he has in front of him. I've seen so many Muslims drink, tuang arak sebotol dua, kita minum dulu!, yet I have never, never ever ever seen a Muslim eating pork.

Even from an economic standpoint no hotel in Malaysia would be dumb enough to serve pork. You know why? Cause Muslims who know that a particular hotel that serves pork would rather go eat at another place. Food is universal, customers for food are also universal, why would any hotel reduce their market share by adding a dish that could reduce their customers? The food chains such as McDonalds also doesn't serve pork in Malaysia. Likewise, they also don't sell beef in India. It is pretty much just logical sense to accept this.

Why do you even harp on such an issue YB Jeff Ooi? Is it not possible for you to eat pork anywhere in Kuala Lumpur? No pork in Malaysia? Bacon not here nor there?

I seriously don't understand the reasoning of porky Jeff here bringing up this issue. There are things you can mention freely, and there are also things that you should just keep to yourself. There is no right or wrong in religious beliefs. Toleration is the key, yet being an MP, Jeff can't even fathom this.

On a lighter note though, my friend Mike says that pork is the best meat in the world. And, I also don't have any problems with my friends eating pork in front of me. I don't have any problems what so ever. It's just when I see a political dimwit like Jeff writing in such an ignorant way promoting racial tension, my blood gets a little boiled.


njahmat said...

omg. haha, i'm completely behind u on that. kedai babi terang benderang on every street and corner in msia. their shops really thriving one. hm, mcmlah they cant walk/drive a few blocks to have it? yerks. haha, but here i am, leaving in the dorms, eating at the dining halls, tutup sebelah mata je they cook my eggs on the same grills as they cook their bacons and corn dog (which totally makes me mual, btw). haha.

Faizal Rosly said...

dia memang babi (aku pun marah gak baca)

hiewhoo said...

you guys are sicked people