Sunday, October 26, 2008

Finish your sentence

You know about the time when we used to? Or when that he said this and that? Owh come on of course you know what I'm talking about right? This was like just a few days ago. You remember right? *wink

No bitch. T_T

Cause you didn't have a good opening, nor did you end it right. A string of sentences have a sequence. They start with A and end with B or C. It doesn't just go from A to C and then back to B. Its hard to understand this kind of erratic sentences... but to be honest the impaired logic is still ok for me to handle. Go anywhere you want from A to Z and back and forth in the middle. I don't really mind. Most people who know me know I don't think with a straight line. Yeah, you need to work on me to get what I'm saying. Eventually though, most of you do understand what's coming out from my mouth.

The thing that bugs me is when people start telling a half-story. Thats what really gets on my nerves. I become crazy when someone starts to tell a secret, then decides three quarters of the way that it might be a big secret so he/she shouldn't finish the story. Like seriously, if you don't want to tell me the big big secret just make up a different ending. I'd rather be lied to than you suddenly going "omg, I can't tell you anything more. I swore not to tell!".

Ok, I know some of you akan terasa, but what the hell, why not. If you're writing in your blog, please finish the story so that people can understand what the *F-bomb* is going on. I know that some of you literally don't have balls, but metaphorically when you're writing in your blog just grow some and blurt out what you want to say, cause if you don't you're just going to make your audience curious or confused and you gain nothing. *nothing, nothing, nothingggg if I don't have youuu* (see how I end this paragraph with Whitney Houston? That's how confusing some of your blogs are to me)

For instance, if you're writing about being sad, please elaborate on why you are being sad. Maybe your pet cat died, or you fell and injured your leg, or you feel unappreciated. Awwww. Either way, tell others that your cat died, or that you fell and broke your leg, or that you think nobody cares about you. At least say something so people can just understand. Trust me, you trying to sound all mysterious and shady, really doesn't gain you points. Nobody cares.

What? No freakin' way. You're writing the mysterious sentence so that people who care will actually personally message you and ask how you are? Wow.... that's low. That sure is low. Well, what ever works out for you.


1 comment:

SHiKiN said...

haha. why so bitter aby?

but its true though. it is totally annoying when ppl do that, whether it's in real life or blog. but maybe, they just want to express their feelings, but not wanting to disclose the actual reason coz byk sgt org busy body in this world. haha