Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Live within your means...

I'm very skeptical when it comes to motivational books. Usually cause most of them don't make sense and I believe they're only there to scam people. For instance, my dad purchased this one book called "The Secret", which after I read a couple of pages where it goes on and on and on about how people who found "the secret" have propelled themselves to super stardom, I found out that there actually was no "secret". It took about two entire chapters before they actually mention what that secret is. And finally, after reading other people's success stories thinking to myself that that could be me, the secret was revealed, and that secret was the ability to "attract" people.

I know. Wtf....

Being the kind of person who only reads books mostly in flights or when I'm not playing video games or studying for an exam, I deserve some applauses since I did read another motivational book, and that motivational book was "Millionaires are from another planet" by Azizi Ali.

Azizi Ali writes in his book "Millionaires are from a Different Planet" that in order for someone to become rich, he needs to live within his means.

So Ok, so according to Azizi I have to live within my means to become rich, got it. But what does living within my means mean? It means that I shouldn't break the bank, that if I earned 3000 ringgit a month, I shouldn't spend 3100 ringgit in that month. Living within your means is a tap to the shoulder to prevent you from spending so much. It heeds a warning of not trying to be greedy, that saving is the only way to become rich, and it is a constant reminder that life's journey to financial success isn't a short term easy goal accomplishment.

Living within your own means sounds simple... but as a young male adult finally earning his own cents from working a nine to five job, this task of living within your own means is by far not the easiest thing to do. And I'll tell you why.... in my next post.


1 comment:

Faizal Rosly said...

bigoobs ke letakla bigboobs