Friday, October 24, 2008

Politics babbling

Saje nak api-apikan orang yang tak sehaluan dalam political ideology... to my friends this is not a personal attack... I'm obviously directing this to someone else and not you ;)

But where the f*ck is Anwar Ibrahim and PKR and taking over the country and supposedly creating a racist-free Malaysia and your so called 'true democracy' and your babblings about turunkan harga minyak and your unfounded speculation that Najib was involved in Altantuya's murder and your ahli parliment changing sides to PKR and the bar council that you've influenced to raise sensitive issues and your banning of ISA and your RPK the true racist making up stories from his left ball and your idea of lifting the Malaysian flag upside down and your ceramahs cakap berapi api but the next day bukannye buat ape pun and your DAP plus PAS mediocre to destruction-in-the-making teamwork and your Theresa Ong expecting a served steak while in arrest and add some wine with it and your Malaysia Kini employee admitting to creating false reports and your support for Hindraf talking about euthanasia of 100 Indian-Malaysians per day whereas they walk in Mid Valley seronok je semacam tak takut nyawa terancam pun and so forth and so forth and so forth.

Talk is cheap ain't it.

Again this is not a personal attack, but one of my friends compared Anwar Ibrahim to Barack Obama. I'll state my case here. Barack Obama has a JD from Harvard University and at the same time he was the Head of the Harvard Law Review. The first black man to do so might I add. He entered Harvard without affirmative action because he didn't state his race in his application. He is poised, he is very hardworking, he is intelligent, and through out America people know him as Mr. Cool because even under the pressure of difficult questions being thrown at him during presidential debates he is able to counter them without any sign of agitation or aggression. Will he back up what he says when he becomes president? I think based on his track record there's not a shed of doubt that he can.

Now on the other hand we have Anwar Ibrahim who studied Malay studies and had to repeat his third year while at university because lo and behold he was too busy creating rallies at the streets. He can talk. Boy can he talk. When he talks crowds in the tens of thousands gather around. But we are talking about a guy who created a political party just to save his own ass. He got fired from his post, and when he wanted to seek vengeance he invited people to the streets when Malaysia was facing the Asian stock market crisis (Which Dr. M solved you bunch of ingrates).

People always talk about so-called democracy and justice, but if you ask me which one is more important, basic needs and better infrastructure compared to justice and democracy? Hand me that bowl of rice and you can have all the glory of being on the 'right' side. Of course, many of us don't feel this because lets face it, people who are reading my blog right now come from families that are at least in the middle class. If you knew, or I knew, or we just happen to be any of those kids from 'bersamamu' on TV3, the issues that are really important to us would be different. AndiIf you really think that Anwar Ibrahim is the epitome of justice in Malaysia and that he's actually trying to become PM to help the little guy, then you are gravely mistaken.

On a lighter note, I do get annoyed by publishings from Utusan. I think they are heavily biased and write crap for news. TV3 is also biased to the max. I also believe that many people in UMNO are corrupted and are out there for themselves.

If you're expecting a conclusion from this posting, don't even bother. This is remember? It's called random crap that I write. Non of the things I write here should be taken seriously. This is just a form of entertainment for those who like to read and pretty much surf peoples blogs for 'updates'.


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