Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ugly Duckling to Beautiful Swan

I don't believe in an ugly girl turning into a beautiful woman. It just doesn't make any sense to me. Perhaps if a lady used to be fat, then lost some weight by means of contracting a horrible painstaking disease (or worked out intensely), became thin and suddenly beautiful - maybe that scenario could happen. But from pure looks to another pure look... is that even possible?

Then came Myleene Klass.

Let's look at her transformation:

This was her when she was young. Not a girl I would even think about asking out.

This is what she looks now. Stunning! My friend Ikram would love to go out with her, as Ikram is known to have a strong preference for the Chinese look. Haha.

I'm trained in actuarial science and a little bit of finance and economics. Myleene Klass is the perfect example of what I've learned in my finance classes - the importance of investing. Buy low, sell high. The returns on her stock have skyrocketed to heights that can only be imagined!

As I sit here on my pc chair and admire her beauty, I try to imagine what other guys who actually knew her when she was an ugly duckling feel now about her. Do they regret not trying to ask her out? Could you imagine what they've missed out on? Tsk tsk. They probably had a shot with her when she wasn't that beautiful and had (most probably) a lower self-esteem back then than what her esteem is now, being a model and all.

Men, my advice is never to rule out a woman too fast. Some might have great potential. Things could look way better when touched up the right way.


nj said...

Ahem. Can I perasan and menyibuk and say I feel like I was ugly duckling too back then? Only I'm not hot lah now, but okay lah, ah? Hahahahhaa.

Anonymous said...

masa awek tu kecik2 comel je xde ugly duckling pon..:)