Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Malay Woman

Generalizing works. Sure, you can say that some people are not stereotypical of their generalizations. For example, Asian guys are known to have, in the words of my friend Ijai, 'organ reproduksi' that are not capable of cock-fighting with Mat Salleh guys. But hey, look at me, I defy such stereotypes. (Mostly because of the correlation between my height and my 'organ reproduksi', haha).

One of the generalizations that I would like to discuss today is about the Malay woman. I've noticed some of these generalizations these past few years, and want to share them with you.

In terms of love, never ever doubt the Malay woman. She gives it all. Up to the point of madness. Drunk love some of you might call it. The Malay woman would defy all odds when it comes to love. Cross a river of fire - Yep. Yes she would. She'd cross an ocean of fire if she had to.

I have a friend who's so madly in love I swear, she'd do the most outrageous things. I could imagine her drinking bat blood, sacrificing goats, encroach upon an ex-lover's wedding to stop it and so much more. Another person that I know online (someone who reads my friend's blog), lent a few thousand ringgits to her boyfriend of the time being. Those two broke up, and now she's figuring out ways on how to get her money back.

I could never imagine any other woman in Malaysia to be that involved. For the sake of being racial, could you imagine a Chinese woman lending money to her boyfriend? I'm sure she would after some convincing and tender loving care, but at the end of the day the boyfriend would have to pay her back, interest included. Haha. Oh my racial tendencies.

The only reason why the Malay society is still relevant today is because of Malay women. The Malay woman is so diligent. She studies hard and works hard. Around 70% of university students in Malaysia are women (Malay + dll). The Malay man of my generation is terrible. Most of us Malay men enjoy melepaking, mat rempeting, and of course our favorite - politicking (join riots etc). I've heard numerous times that it's hard for a Malay woman to find a good Malay man. It's not that hard to imagine why.

I guess the one thing that the Malay man should be relieved of is that the Malay woman hates other Malay women. The Malay woman will use every dirty trick in the book: backstabbing, badmouthing, town crying to bring other Malay women down. That's why they'll never rule Malaysia.

The Malay woman does not like to work out. I don't know why they don't. Semua malas nak berlari. I knew maybe one or two Malay women who generally liked to go work out and play sports. The rest? Just sit at home most of the time I presume. Maybe it's the good genes, or maybe the Malay woman eats very little, but most Malay women are not fat.


Faizal Rosly said...

aku rasa saiz organ reproduksi aku ni boleh celen sesetengah mat saleh...definitely masuk top 3 antara geng bangi bersama anas dan fandi. sori adam kau top 5 kot haa haa

oh wanita melayu bangi bersenam doo hari sabtu ahad menari poco2 dekat taman tasik cempaka

Anonymous said...

weihhh. mane ade duhs. aku tinggi lampai. patut aku ngan dazu masuk top 3.
