Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

Failed - again

My results came out a few hours ago. I failed Exam CAS5, for the second time. Before the results came out I kinda knew that I was on the fence on the exam; of course there's that teeny tiny side of the brain that tells you that there is some glimmer of hope of passing. Haha, don't listen to that teeny tiny side. He's mostly wrong.

The month before the exam I studied like a monster. Sleeping at 2am studying almost everyday. And still it wasn't good enough. Way to go Mr. reality for smacking me on the face.

Let this be a lesson to everyone out there. There's no easy way of success when it comes to the exams. Humiliation, sleep depravation, anxiety, feeling stupid - I've felt it all - again.

UPDATE: So I still haven't received my fail letter yet. I keep on wondering what kind of fail score I got. Hopefully it's a 5/10 and not anything lower. The management over here has asked what score did I get; my only response is "I know I've failed. I just don't know how bad". haha

Saturday, June 19, 2010

US Soccer

Ever since I got to England everyone here has been making fun of the US soccer team. My US soccer team. Before the World Cup started a couple of weeks ago, everyone kept on telling me how terrible the US team is.

"Soccer? It's football! You use your foot to kick the ball. Football!", one of the ladies told me.

Another guy said ,"If you notice, all the countries that call football soccer, are not good in football. Just look at the US, South Africa and Australia"

Another guy went on a tangent and mentioned ,"The American football is the same as sissy rugby. That's why they have to wear those pads. All of them are a bunch of sissys"

My blood began to boil. "Need I explain to these people that American football is one of the best sports in the world?", I thought to myself. I took a more relaxed approach instead. "Well, they have to wear pads cause there is something called a forward throw in American football. If the players are running as fast as they can against each other, they would crack their skulls if they didn't wear protection. Plus, they didn't wear protection in American football back in the day. They implemented it cause all these college kids were dying playing it".

Before the world cup started every single newspaper in England mentioned how the English were going to trample all over their oppositions - America included. "England is bound to win the world cup!", hailed JPMorgan with their biased mathematical model stating that England was going to win it all. "The key to winning the World Cup lays in the hands of England's prolific striker Wayne Rooney", each tabloid said.

"I'm predicting a 3-0 score. England winning of course", predicted one of the guys in the office concerning the England - USA game.

Ok, then came the World cup and the USA vs England game. Please, somebody, tell me the score? 1-1! What is that? Is that a fluke? Could this be the revenge that I've been waiting for? Should I go rub it to their faces? Nope. I shouldn't. You know why? Cause I kinda like the English team.

Continuing on with the story...

Then back in the office kitchen all of the guys started telling me that it was a fluke. "America got lucky in that one" "Any other day England would have destroyed America" "England never does good in its first match". Hearing all those comments, I chuckled in the inside, cause deep down I knew they were hurting, and rightly so. A true fan always hurts when their team doesn't perform as they should.

After that, Deutschland came with a fury on Australia of which hadn't been seen in the 2010 World Cup. I was so amazed, and because of my amazement I declared to my officemates of how Germany is probably the favorites to win the World Cup. You know what response I got?

"That's very scary for your America Adam. Cause US will meet Germany in the top 16 match. England will be the top of the group, with America coming in second to meet Germany, which is the top of their group". ARGHHHHHHH. How dare you keep on undermining my US! BUARGHHHHHHHH. If I could only blow fire!!

Last night, England drew against Algeria... :|

Friday, June 18, 2010


I'm curently in the Greyhound UK bus going to Isle of Wight. They have wi-fi in this bus and an electrical outlet. The chairs are far apart from each other providing me with ample leg room. Despite this, all I can think is food.

I'm so hungry right now. After so called work (more to like watching the world cup) I dashed straight to the bus station and forgot to get dinner first. Now I'm so hungry. Maybe I can sembelih the black guy sleeping on the other end of the aisle and eat him.

On another note, Shikin and I have studied how to make steak. After two sessions we're now self-proclaimed pros on how to marinate, cook, and also make our special sauce for the steak. When Shikin's brother Fahmi and his gf come to visit they should expect us to treat them with our super duper yummy steak. If they say it's good, then we will start serving it to even more people. Just not Vasan :)

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Selamat Hari Jadi Ijai!

Hari ni merupakan hari jadi ke-26 BFF aku, Mohamad Faizal bin Rosly bin Jonoh ataupun nama manjanya Ijai Jonoh. (Sedar tak korang semue orang bernama Faizal akan mendapat nama gelaran dan tidak akan dipanggil Faizal?) Rakan-rakan aku time kecik dulu memang kurang pedoman tau ejek nama bapak orang je kerja. Disebabkan nama atuk Ijai sangat istimewa, gelaran Ijai Jonoh sampai skarang melekat. Stiap kali kitorang pergi ke pasar malam dan nampak roti John memang cepatla Ijai dihina.
Sempena birthday Ijai, entri ni ditulis dalam bahasa Melayu dan ade section ‘read more’ (wah!). Sila klik read more untuk mengenali Ijai dengan lebih lanjut...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Brape kali dah aku main liga fantasy dan team aku masih sampah. Grrrr. Dah brape kali aku fikir secara logikal... Spain lawan Swiss mestila Spain blasah sampai lumat si cilake Swiss but nooooooooooooooooo..... ade ke boleh kalah 0-1. What the hell man.

Should just go with Brazil or Germany next time. Safe bets. Always perform well in World Cups. Bodoh Adam bodoh! Arghhhh

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Third World

Malaysians who read my blog, how would you react if someone told you that your homeland, tanah tumpahnya darahku, where your blood flows, Malaysia, is a third world country? Would you feel insulted? Angry? Angry and insulted? Or would you nod your head in agreement? Please tell me how would you feel?

A few weeks back a few of my friends whom are Malaysians said that Malaysia is a third world country. They reached that conclusion because they believe that our beloved country isn't as modernized as western countries. "Look at USA, look at England, do you think that we are as modernized as them?", said the few.

My patriotic blood was starting to boil. "How could I explain to these people that our country isn't a third world country?", I thought deep and hard (that's what she said). The truth is, when my head starts to get heated up I'm not able to think clearly. My mind just doesn't work when I'm angry. Hence, my reply was "No, we aren't as modernized as those countries. But Malaysia isn't a third world country." Pretty lame answer.

Mumble jumble, I started telling them that it was impossible that Malaysia is a third world country. KLCC, Sepang Formula 1, KL Tower, the governments ability to give scholarships and loans, internet broadband connection, the business within KL, nobody starving in the streets.... one by one I listed the technological advances and what ever I could conjure up to what makes a country not a third world country I blabbed.

The answers I gave weren't moving enough. They concluded that Malaysia was still a third world country, but it was a modernized third world country. Now what the heck does that mean?

That discussion that I had with my friends was a few weeks back. Now, my head is a little bit cooler, and my answers more coherent.

First, I think that we Malaysians should realize how lucky we are to be Malaysians. Kita kena bersyukur. The term bersyukur is so effective when said in my mother tongue. In English it's translated to being grateful.

How could it be that a so called third world country be able to select commoners such as them, myself, and many more people out there and give us financial aid to pursue our degrees? Do you think countries in Africa are able to do so? Have they, or myself, ever once in our lives have to do labor work or even know people who are doing hard labor? Nope. My friends and myself don't suffer. We have designer handbags/wallets, Playstations and 32 inch HD TVs. Never once did we had to go to the streets to beg nor did we have to tighten our belts because our parents have financial difficulty to place a warm meal on the table.

Second, I think we need to be a little bit more confident in our abilities. We got to stop looking up at other civilizations and start believing in what we have already achieved and what we will be able to achieve in the future. There is no way, absolutely no way that we are only as good as a third world country. I will deny it to the day I die.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


I'm a huge Narutard (Naruto fan). They release the Japanese chapters of Naruto on Wednesdays in the Shonen Jump magazines, and depending on how fast people can translate them to English, usually around Friday the high quality Naruto chapters are released.

Of course, waiting for the high quality Naruto chapters on Friday isn't enough for a Narutard such as myself. Which is why I would always go to to read the Japanese spoilers on Wednesdays itself! So, apparently in the 497th chapter spoiler it is revealed that Naruto's mom Kushina is still alive!


This is why Naruto is wayyyyy better than Dragon Ball, Dragon Quest, Slamdunk, One Piece, and every other manga there is in the world!

OMG love OMG love Naruto!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Life as it is

My apologies for not writing in such a long time. I've been very busy lately. Two weeks ago I traveled to the Isle of Wight where the wifey works. We rented bicycles and cycled along the beach of Sandown. Though most of the day was foggy, only God knows why it was foggy at the beach, the later parts of the day became warmer and the fog cleared up eventually.

I haven't ridden a bicycle in such a long time. When I was younger I had plenty of horrible accidents when it came to me cycling. Chipped my tooth, scars on my face, etc, let's not go there. But because of those experiences, I got a little wimpy on that day. Bawak basikal slow nak mampos. Shikin on the other hand, powered through on her bike like a champ. When there were intersections she waved her hands to signal that we were going to turn. I would look at the incoming cars, or the cars behind us, and nod as if I were saying,"Yep, we are turning. Look at her signaling."

I'm attaching one picture here, the rest are in my facebook account. Sorry if you aren't a friend of mine. Maybe we should be friends!

Then, last weekend I rented a Mini Cooper via Zipcar and drove 90 miles south west of London to Salisbury where I got to see Stonehenge. Stonehenge is pretty amazing. I didn't really read the history of Stonehenge, maybe someone should tell me why they built it in the first place, but those stones in the middle of no where were an amazing structure to take pics of.

And here is one of em:

So that's what I've been up to the past weekends. How was yours?
