Monday, January 18, 2010

Self Worth

"Don't sell yourself short Adam". That's what a recruiter told me before I went for my interview. Interviews can be dreading, if you are unprepared. Most of the interviewers I met have been really good. They were the kind of interviewers who were masters in their craft. If I were to bullshit about myself or started to talk about things that I really had no clue about I would've gotten caught red-handed. Simply said, you must be prepared for an interview.

Of course, you can't just call a recruiter and expect them to not exaggerate a bit on your prospects. So what I did, after getting advise from Vasan, was to call a bunch of recruiters and ask them on how I would fare in the market. I called three different recruiters before I went for my interview. Per conversations with them I understood where my position was in the job market much better. Averaging the amount of salaries that the three recruiters thought I could achieve helped a bit on boosting my self esteem before meeting the interviewer.

Anyways, long story short, I got the job. But that's not the point of this entree is it? Cause if I were to write about my success in getting a job that would be considered pretty lame, self tooting my gigantic ass horn if you may, and not that interesting for someone of AJ's standards.

Below is the real entree.

Before I applied for a job in London I literally sent my resume and cover letter to a bunch of companies in Malaysia. I applied to companies that I believe I would have a hard time getting, some average companies and, I also applied to companies that I thought I would surely have gotten. I thought, "Hey, I do have a good education background and I have good experience in a good company. This job application thingy will be a piece of cake."

Apparently I was wrong.

It's not that I was super serious about going back to Malaysia and working there. But I wanted to know where I stood in the eyes of these companies. Saje nak test power.

The companies that I thought I would have a hard time getting, well they rejected me two weeks after I sent in my application. Those applications are complete bullshit mind you. I had to fill out pages and pages of personal information as well as answering stupid questions like "Please describe a time where you showed leadership qualities." or "Please write down which high school you went to and place in the scores of your high school education" or "Please enter your TOEFL score". Like what.... the.....f*ck!?? How the hell can I remember my TOEFL score??? TOEFL is a stupid basic English exam designed specifically for non English speaking foreigners aka language ree-tards who know less than 30 English words. OK make that 50 English words (reduce exaggeration). Seriously, any Malaysian taking TOEFL should feel insulted for having to have to take that exam in the first place.

  _|_ <---- yes, this is a middle finger emoticon.

Then, came in the average companies. Nope. They never came in. Sorry. None of the companies replied to my application. Ok, actually there was one company kind enough to entertain me. I'll get back to that company later. The average companies' HR people were so busy hisaping teh tarik and main batu seremban in their offices that they didn't even have an auto generated response to my e-mail application. But that's fine, maybe they were super busy because of the economic distraught that has been hitting the world that they couldn't salvage the time to look at my humble e-mail. Next time I'll write my e-mail title in ALL CAPS to garner their attention. Bah who am I kidding? These people were the worse of the lot. I called the companies' HR people almost twice a week asking them to look at my application yet their response was the same - sorry ye encik nanti kite check application awak and get back to you. Every single HR person never got back to me. Terrible. Ever heard of the movie "The good, the bad, and the ugly"? These people are in the third category.

The below average companies never got back to me as well. But I couldn't muster myself to call them after being fed the same lies time and time again by the average companies.

The average company (actually the company was slightly better than average. but I'm trying to simplify my story here) that did get back to me asked me some questions via e-mail. I responded to that company with a two page essay answer to his open-ended questions. Then the guy said he wanted to know if I would be back home in Malaysia to go for a case-interview.... and I was like.... I can't go back home because I don't have any holidays left. Fail.

I'm not going to act all poyo and self defeating to say that "I would be happy enough just to get a job" because that's not true. I want a good job. I want a job that compensates me for all the hard work I placed in my education venture (actuarial exams) and a company that acknowledges my two and half years of experience. Most of the companies that I applied to back home should have been happy that I applied to their companies. But nope. They were absent or had the inclination to nak test budak ni dulu. If that's the way it is, then I'll shy away from this applying to jobs back home crap. I've already wasted so much time on it.

ps: this entree has 951 words. i'm amazed at myself. O_O


etc said...

hmmm i always thought that was the asscrack emoticon

Anonymous said...

hahaha. it does look more like an asscrack. how've u been man? still destroying curves these days?


Anonymous said...

oi ko nk pindah london ke?


Anonymous said...

ha' ah dazu. awal march kot.


Ravi said...


saw your "2 sen" on - thanks for visiting

are you like your mentor Tun M a fiction fan - where have you been hiding your head brother? Take it out of the sand.

Look at our ex-PM - his latest salvo is the US staged the 9/11 terrorist attacks... what is he deflecting this time?

Bra - I think Tun M has been disruptive since retirement.
He thinks his legacy has been threatened...simply put, he wants his success to be seen as the ultimate...the man is full of himself

You carry on supporting - thats your right and privelage...and it's my right to call a spade a spade...

Take care bro - peace!


Adam Johari said...

say what?

ravi, i don't agree with the Tun on the 9/11 questioning that he wrote. his blog has his opinions, most of them are validated and get my full support though the 9/11 article isn't one of them.

you on the other hand, internet troll, can go back to your lame ass computer chair and update that lame blog of yours that's specifically tailored to downplay great Malaysian heroes like the Tun. How's your blog doing? Updating your blog once in three months? Seems like you don't have any ammunition these days.

Go fly a kite punk. You can talk in generalizations all you want like the lame ass comments that you post on Chedet. Every single comment that you write is based on hatred and lacks even the slightest of iotas of truth nor evidence. Just like the little troll you are. How convenient.

Don't call me bro or bra dimwit weak minded fool. I'm not your bro or your bra. Who the fuck says bra anyways? How the fuck does that equal bro? Bro is a short form for brother. Bra means what? Don't call me bro, or bra, or brahhh or what ever word that stats with the letter b. The only Indian who can call me bro is my close friend Vasan. And don't give me that Asian gang symbol called peace. And for fucks sakes, you internet trolls should at least get your spelling right. It's written as "Privilege" not "Privelage". That's two letters wrong. Not one. Wow. Fucking wow.


etc said...

the only curves i'm destroying are gaussian normal distributions and the ones on hot chicks. althought the latter may be more fictional than the former.

stop feeding the trolls lol.

Ravi said...

Adam much anger...

BTW, I always had trouble spelling certain words...blame it on being dyslexic (now, don't go running to your Thesaurus just so you can find more fault with my spelling).

As for your other comment about me only updating my blogs every 3 months..I am honored you went thru every one of them and even noticed the timestamps.

I just found it easy to comment/respond to Tun's blog.

Work has been quite a bitch lately, and I am sure you agree there are more people who view Tun's portal then they do mine.
I also think Tun M's trumpet blowing has a lot more tune to mine, plus it's amazing to see how people get defensive when adverse comments are made of Tun M.

In response to your comment what Bra means...its a habit I picked up whilst in NZ...the brothers over there affectionately refer to their mates as Bra...

Chum, Bra, Bro, dude, mate, kawan,'s the same everywhere man! People just don't go by their names anymore (friends and strangers alike)...

And finally, re your comment I dont present facts...mmm, wonder what kind of facts you want..statistics, physical documentation, proof beyond reasonable doubt...what?

Also, it will be good if Tun will stop censuring his blogs and only printing my blurbs because his team of 7-dwarfs keep editing my content.

But if there is a specific issue you want me to present facts...let know bro/bra, happy to furnish.

Now, dont go running this entire passage in word dictionary check. I am bound to have spelt one two words wrong bro...and more importantly take a chill pill or have a cold one with your buddy Vasan and relax.

Life's too short to get all hot and bothered.

Hey, what about exchanging your yahoo mail id..we could chat sometime. Who knows, you might end up with 2 Indian friends...(never say never)


Ravi said...

Oh, one more thing Adam - I like your style and value your comments.

Would you mind reading thru this that I blogged in 2008, and tell me what you think pls

Like to hear your thoughts about Sanusi...


Ravi said...


didn't hear from you - missing your 'constructive criticism'

Anyhow, just wanted to share with you that Tun's Blog 'censorship board' has not published 3 recent blog comments.

Before you get all huffed and puffed up with me, let me assure you, it wasn't due to any inappropriate language or anything of that sort.

I don't play like that...I ask questions and sometimes those questions can strike a sore point.

Anyhow thought I'd share a more recent question I posed to Tun who blogged recently about his views on the 9/11 purported terrorist attacks. Tun M in his blog closure indicated he would like for the US Govt to launch an open inquiry.

Of course I couldn't keep my views to myself and posted this ..not sure if it will be published...but would like to know what you think about it:


I will take this opportunity to
a/ ask what was your influence over a whole lot of other open inquiries

b/ ask you if you will be lodging a case/complaint in the UN based on your alleged claims that 9/11 WTC attacks were staged by the Americans.

a/ Did you lodge a proper and open inquiry into the dealings of Perwaja during your time as PM?

Did you lodge a proper and open inquiry into the mismanagement of MAS during your time as PM?

And if you say, the above is no where comparable to the issue of the 9/11 disaster, then I ask, did you lodge a proper and open inquiry into the issue that occured in Memali in 1985?

Should we then request for an open inquiry into what/who influenced Petronas acquiring the troubled Perkapalan Nasional in which your Son had >50% stake into the troubled mismanaged organisation?

Should we also insist into an open inquiry into the unfair dismissal of 3 supreme court judges during your tenure as PM?

b/ What are your plans now that you have viewed the 3 hour video refuting claims that Terrorist attacks were the true cause for 9/11 loss of life?
Shouldn't you with all your conscience and your ability to influence these matters lodge an official complaint in the UN to have the US Govt investigated for massacre/genocide of their people. If you won't - why not? Is it not your bounden duty as a former leader of state with evidence to lodge this official report?

I think you should also ask for UN to investigate the commission that wrote the final Report giving a false account of the circumstances surrounding the September 11th, 2001, terrorist attacks

At the same time, pls also lodge that case against Tun Abdullah who you claim is corrupt and per your claim has a number of illegal transactions during his tenure as PM.

Don't dissapoint the many Malaysians with just talking (or blogging about this Tun). If there is anyone who can bring perpetrators to face the law, you're one who can do it.


let me know your thoughts Adam...


Anonymous said...

Adam? don't feed attention seekers..

Anonymous said...

Trying not to here. But I should have at least the courtesy to give him one last comment.

Ravi, I appreciate your comments, but you write so much man I got no time to respond to them. Take care.

Who are you anonymous?


Ravi said...

LOL - nice comeback Adam

I appreciate your courtesy.
All the best mate!


P.S Anonymous writers on the other hand obviously have no 'balls' to express their views in their own name :-)