Monday, January 11, 2010

He did it

Everything gone wrong in Malaysia is Najib's doing. Najib is the reason for the inclination of racism. Najib strapped C4 to Altantuya and blew her up. Najib woke up at 6am, went to the MACC building and pushed Teoh Beng Hock out the window. Najib pressed control+F and replaced the word Tuhan with Allah in the Malaysian bibles. Najib segregated schools to Chinese, Malay and Indian schools. Najib created 1Malaysia, a subversive group to distort the racial harmony that Malaysia once had to overthrow his own government. Najib set up booby traps to make all those buses in Malaysia skid off the road. Najib burnt all those churches, then later donated money to those churches to be rebuilt - sly and cunning indeed this Najib fellow.

Every single thing gone wrong is Najib's fault. Oh sorry it really isn't. It's Najib's and Rosmah's and Barisan National's fault.


Anonymous said...

Adam, boleh masuk ISA nanti. I thot ure a staunch bn supporter?

Anonymous said...

errrr. anonymous, are you playing dumb? i'm pretty much being sarcastic in the blog.


tania MN said...


some people can't read sarcasm