Sunday, November 15, 2009

They know

A long time ago Farhan asked me this question:

Mane nak cari pompuan yang cun tapi die tak sedar yang die cun eh?

He was basically asking for the impossible. There is absofuckinglutely NO such thing as a hot girl who does not realize that she is hot. It just can't happen. Cause all these hot girls always get attention from guys. Whether the girl be from the city, or the kampungs, or even in the millitary, the hot girl will always get attention from the opposite sex. Be it rich guys, ugly guys, smart guys, random guys, paralyzed guys, short guys, tall guys, guys with curly hair, straight hair, fair skin, dark skin... you name it.

Hey I'm no genius in beauty or fashion. So don't take my word for it. However, I have yet to see/know/talk to a woman who is hot and doesn't realize it. BUT, I have met women who are around a 6 over 10 and think that they are an 8 over 10. Now that's just sad.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

From Utusan

Puting beliung landa timur London
15/11/2009 3:27am

LONDON 15 Nov. – Hujan lebat dan angin kencang sehingga 100 kilometer sejam menyebabkan banjir, jalan ditutup dan mengganggu laluan melintasi selatan Britain, semalam.

Ribut yang dikatakan terburuk tahun ini mengakibatkan banjir kilat berlaku. Ramai pemandu telah diselamatkan daripada kenderaan mereka dan pokok turut tumbang menghempap kereta serta bekalan elektrik terputus di beberapa kawasan .

Angin selaju 100 kilometer direkodkan semalam di Needles, Isle of Wight dan 60 kediaman musnah akibat puting beliung di pekan Benfleet, timur London.

Feri ke England dan Perancis turut dibatalkan disebabkan angin kencang dan tiga pekerja pelantar minyak diselamatkan oleh bot penyelamat selepas bot yang mereka naiki terkandas di Ness Point, wilayah paling timur di Britain.

Bagaimanapun tiada kematian dilaporkan dan pusat kaji cuaca memberitahu keadaan akan semakin tenang menjelang esok. – AP

Be careful when you travel here on Monday baby


When I am a buyer/purchaser of your product expect me to be ruthless when we do our deals. I am looking out for me, not for you, and your job is to impress me, make it seem as if I'm getting a bargain or a deal and not the other way around.

My apartment lease ends at the end of December this year. It's either I move out from this place by trying to find a lease at another place or I can just renew my lease. Either way, the decision is in my hands and I have the power. So when I went to the apartment office today to renegotiate a lease for three months, and they start acting all shady, they can damn well expect me to be straightforward on how I feel.

Adam: So is there a way that I can renew my apartment lease for three months?

Apt officer: Yes, but you would have to pay an additional 100 dollars.

Adam: Ok that's not so bad, so just a hundred dollars and pay my rent.

Apt officer: No, it's actually 100 dollars for each month.

Adam: ???? So you are saying that I have to pay 1035 dollars each month for my small studio?

Apt officer: Yes. So can we negotiate a lease for you to stay until April 30th?

Adam: Wait what? Doesn't my lease end in December? April 30th is four months not three.

Apt officer: Yes, but people tend to move in during spring time... around April 30th.

*starts to boil

Adam: Look, I am not going to pay 1000+ for a lousy small studio. I'm just not going to do it. If you charge me the extra 100 per month expect me to just move out. I have no problems leaving this place. And if I'm going to stay it'll only be for 3 months not four like you mentioned. I'll get back to you next week and we can renegotiate.

*act as if I'm going to leave the office in disgust

Apt officer: Wait, so if we can waiver the 100 dollars per month can we just sign the lease right now?

Adam: No. I'll get back to you.



My apartment building is known for crappy service and it doesn't look good at all. They are desperate to find people to stay in the building, and if they were to lose one customer like me it's going to be a bigger loss for them as compared to me. Right now my brother lives in Purdue, Indiana so it won't be that difficult to rent a van and give him all of my furniture.

Moral of this story? Don't let people screw you over. Have an F them attitude. Look out for yourself first. There's no use for you to feel bad and strike a deal just because they aren't doing well. Do not care about how this economy is screwing everybody up. Take care of yourself first.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What's up Kelantan?

What's up Kelantan? Suke sangat bakar stadium.

Did anyone not see this? So expected. Emo gile penyokong bola Kelantan.


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

We'll crucify the insincere tonight...


Kemana tumpahnya kuah kalau tidak ke _________?

a: carpet
b: nasi
c: mangkuk
d: baju

Couldn't someone have thought of a better proverb? I think we wanted to copy the saying "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree" which makes sense. Buat kuah? Tumpah pulak tu? Adoi cuai betul makcik ni.

When a kid I knew got rejected from a girl that he liked... this was what he said:

"Bunga bukan sekuntum"

and I told this to a friend of mine who I guess, wanted to step up for the girls so he replied:

"Kumbang bukan seekor"

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pulling you kids back down to earth

I feel that since I am a graduate, having been once an actuarial student and now am working, that I should impart some knowledge on the younger generation of actuarial students. This knowledge is common. Yet, no one has emphasized it. Until now. (sounds like a movie trailer intro eh?)

1. Actuarial science in university is easy

It's the truth. How on earth could someone like me do so well in it at uni level? I'll tell you how. Cause it is easy. You do not need to be special to score in actuarial science subjects. All you have to do to get an A is study just a little bit more than average.

2. Engineering/CS is harder than actuarial science

This again is the truth. How many times have we seen engineering students get completely maimed by their exams? Have any of you actuarial science students get around 50% in your exams? I don't think so. Ask an engineering student, I'm sure that they have seen the 50th to 60th percentile plenty a times.

3. Stop acting/telling other people that actuarial science is hard

I'm tired of seeing kids saying actuarial science is hard. Cause it isn't. I know we should try to portray that it is hard to other people who are not in the profession. But the truth is, you do not need to have special skill sets to be good in actuarial science. There are plenty of kids who aren't good in math who end up being actuaries.

4. An A in actuarial science is not equivalent to an A in engineering

My friend, a biased engineer (haha) had his professor tell his class this,"In order for you to get an A in my class you will have to be smart and work really hard. If you are either smart or work hard but not both, you will get a B". In actuarial science it goes more like this,"If you just write down the formulas well on your cheat sheets, you will get an A"

5. You are not special

If you think that since you have a good GPA in actuarial science that you are awesome... no you are not awesome. Most of the kids have high GPAs in actuarial science. You are just another person in the crowd.

6. Ranking of difficulty

Doctor > Engineer > Actuarial science > Accounting > Psychology

7. Actuaries hate accounting people

8. Be humble

The smartest people I've met through out my life are the most humble. They are humble in spreading knowledge, helping out with homework, humble in conversations.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Proton Cars

I don't understand why people complain so much about Malaysia's national car - Proton. From my experience with Proton, it really isn't a bad car. Of course, it doesn't fly like a Honda (Honda is considered a small luxury in Malaysia) nor does it beam an upper status like a Mercedes. But for the many years that my parents did have a Proton, the car worked like a charm. All we needed was to get from point A to point B and the Proton did just that.

Today, everybody is complaining about how worthless the Proton is. In actuality, it really isn't that bad for its price. I've heard problems with the Proton ranging from its inability to close windows (faulty motor) to the air condition grill (what you move to direct the air towards you) being easily broken. Unfortunately, those problems didn't occur to me so I don't have first hand experience.

I do understand people getting pissed off that some governmental officers are raking in the big bucks from selling AP contracts. Now that, we must put an end to. I don't understand why like 90% of the AP contract money can't be channeled back into the automotive industry. Perhaps use that extra money to create more R&D for Proton? That's just free money for certain vendors that barely, if any, did anything besides kiss peoples asses to achieve that authority in selling APs in the first place.

Proton should still be protected. Because of Proton's inability to be of world class caliber since its inception in 1985 till today, sadly we must still struggle to protect it. However, we should give terms on this protection. For instance, if Proton fails to perform by say 2015, then we open up the market just a little bit (reduce the taxes on foreign cars) by a fixed percentage of how bad Proton has performed. Haha. Now that would be interesting.