Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The mind

The mind is amazing. It doesn't tell you whether you remember something or not... until the very last minute when a question is presented in front of you and you curse yourself for not remembering the exact words for it.

Tomorrow is D-Day for me. Gambate!


Faizal Rosly said...

bagaimana adam kali ini berjaya tak? haha

Anonymous said...

haha results kluar lagi dua bulan duhs. lame lagi. skarang aku boleh enjoy balik life


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

lol? who is this anonymous person who commented on my blog? how did you get here? from Che Det?

Tolong la encik anonymous, hingus aku memang banyak. Hingus kau bagaimana pula? Kalau aku nak komen sbanyak mane pun suke hati aku lah. Kalau kau tak puas hati bagilah komen yang bernas skit. Kau pekerja Perodua ke? Pesal kau tak puas hati plak.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Aih... who would've thought that a troll would land in my blog.

Sedap ati kau eh main cakap pasal abah aku. Nak kena ni.

Aku heran, Proton tu bapak kau yang punya ke? Kenapa kalau aku nak amik tau pasal hal Proton tu kirenye aku nak amik tau hal orang lain? Kau tersinggung ke kalau aku amik tau hal Proton? Proton tu syarikat bang, bukan abah kau yang punya. Kalau aku tak amik tau pasal Proton pun, beribu ribu orang lain akan amik tau gak.

Kau ni memang celupar kan. Datang blog orang cakap merepek pastu nak orang layan kau? Komen kau lepas ni pasti aku akan delete.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

si anonymous... got something to say? memang aku telah delete komen kau sebab aku mampu. kau ngan bapak kau boleh pergi berambus. don't bother coming to my blog again. tulis la banyak banyak bazir mase kau sebab aku akan terus delete je komen komen kau yang bodoh.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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