Friday, December 19, 2008

Bashing college kids

You know how you would make a big deal of the challenges that you are facing right now, freak out about it, while people who have more experience than you just sit on the couch like a potato and feel amused that you are freaking out in the first place?

That's how I feel (from the person on the couch's perspective) when I see college kids study for their exams. I can't shrug off this feeling of gleefulness when I see other people worry about their dumb semester tests. Its kinda like the feeling as if I'm going into a boxing ring against a 5 year old.

"Uuuuuu. Look at me. I'm studying as if I'm going to die. This is my third cup of coffee. It's a Saturday night and I am at the library reading this book for the third time."

Hahaha. Yes... that is me laughing at you college kid. Padan muka. Baru stakat amik exam nak glabah. Tidur tak tenteram la, makan tak kenyang, mimpi basah kene ganti dengan mimpi exam numbers.



My better half is coming tomorrow. It's been around two months and a half since I last saw her. Looks like I won't be blogging too much anytime soon.

I'm taking two weeks leave from the blogosphere.

However, you... yes you, should keep on blogging and keep me entertained.

I've been going to the gym non-stop for three weeks now. Lets hope it pays off. Ngehehehe.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008


I don't like seeing fake pictures.

Fake pictures are insincere. The colors are either too bright or too dark, too bland or too rich, too expressive or too mellow... they are just too impossible. And that's a lot of 'too's right there.

I especially have a laugh when I see beauty editing on pictures. Jururawat merata-rata tetiba hilang. The lines on the neck signifying years of built up fatness suddenly are gone. Necks that are normally short and stout like tree trunks become as skinny as my arms... and my arms are really skinny mind you.

This is just me, but if you are a photographer and you really need to photoshop like literally all of your pictures, that means you need to brush up your camera skills. Or, you need to get better models and props. Even worse, it might mean that you just don't have any creative ideas on what pictures to take so you just try to spice up things using your 'ciplak' adobe photoshop.

If you are a model and you need all that photoshop touch up going on. I have one word for you, ok maybe two, I'm not really sure, but the word is - make-up. Don't try to touch up the imperfections on your skin using photoshop. Those pics are the easiest to detect... and they are ultra lame.

For this reason, I have told myself to never photoshop my pictures. Not that I don't have the ability to photoshop. It really isn't that hard. But maintaining the authenticity of the picture to me is really important.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The rich get richer and the poor get children

If you got it, flaunt it. That's the reason why so many chicks with giant chests wear skimpy clothing low enough to show off their cleavage. Forget the fact that they have a face like a horse, or that their body fat mass is so concentrated at their bellies up to a point where people wouldn't be able to tell if they are pregnant or not.

The truth is, that is just life. You win some, you lose some. You can't expect to be talented in everything. No one is extremely good looking and smart and gifted in sports and generous and innocent and has all the other good things in life. Everyone is unique.... uniquely beautiful in certain parts and also uniquely ugly on others.

Being outstanding is a goal that we all want to achieve. But do remember the fact that you have to have the goods to be outstanding. So, focus on your strong points and not your weaknesses. And on top of that, don't forget about alternatives.

This posting is focusing on the alternative point for guys to pick up chicks.

If you watched "Hitch" you would learn that women are more open to relationship opportunities. Any guy - I repeat any guy - can get the woman he wants if he has enough game (alternative). Of course people interpret the game word differently. Personally, I think having game is having those little add-ons to what you already got.

In most cases all a guy ever needs to snatch a lady is money. Unfortunately, plenty of guys such as myself weren't born a prince. I agree that in the future anything can happen. I could earn tonnes of money in the stock market and become a millionaire or build my own consulting firm. That could very much happen, but it aint happening anytime soon. So... what could an average guy who is still in his young adulthood do at a time like this?*

1st alternative:
Be funny. Funny guys are attractive to women. Plus, funny guys are cool to hang out with. Even dudes like to hang out with funny guys.

2nd alternative:
Be confident. Women love guys who are confident. Even though you have no freaking idea nor strong opinion on what and where to eat... just be assertive and say something like "I want to eat burgers tonight because I want to eat burgers tonight". The girl will be thinking... "my man is so confident. I love the way he so wants to eat burgers. chika bow wow".

3rd alternative:
Act like you have a plan. Women love plans. Why do you think they have shopping lists? It is always good to seem like you know where you are heading in the long term or even the short term. Of course, no one really knows what's going to happen or if their plans fail or succeed.

4th alternative+:
Don't worry. Malaysian women at around university age are so worried that they aren't going to get married and remain single FOREVER. They are desperate. Long gone are the days where women thought that they had so much power like back in high school. I am pretty confident that they will just settle for any Joe Schmo that comes along.

*I have already won the game so this is more about people who are single.
+Not really an alternative. But a good topic to discuss in the future.

ps: by the way, my friend verbally told me about that graph. there are exceptions. please do not bash me if you are an actuarial or MBA student.


In trying to spice up bigoobs, I have bought a URL name. It is totally unrelated to bigoobs.

Although I believe is an easy URL name to remember and type, I have made it easier for the reader to go to my website.

Try the new link ;)

Bigoobs will still remain as bigoobs. Once you oobs.... you bigoobs!


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008


People who know me know that I don't read books often. I've probably read around 10 (according to my business technical writing class if the number is more than a single digit you are supposed to type it as a number like "10" instead of writing it as "ten") story books. Of course, most of the books that I read were purchased at airports, and I would read them during the long flights back to home.

Believe it or not, my vocabulary was enriched not by flipping through the pages of a book, but instead by playing role playing video games such as Final Fantasy Six and Chrono Trigger. The games had conversations and story plots that were more vivid and had greater imagination than any story book could ever give a young kid#. And for that I thank my parents for giving me the imagination and randomness that came along with those video games that they bought me. I am a better person because of it.

Anyways, the pembayang^ above is totally unrelated to the topic that I'm going to discuss today. Today, I will pose a question/statement/truth to myself on why the Malay language is a better porn language than English*.

I believe that the Malay language is easier to comprehend and learn compared to English. I can't really pin-point the reason why; maybe because Malay sentences have less rules, or that the grammar is very simplified, or maybe that you don't need to twist your tongue any further to enunciate the words.... simply put it, it just is.

However, being good in the Malay language is a thousand times harder than being good in English. I've read very good English books (a mere 10 in total) hailed by writers everywhere such as the Kite Runner, the Five People You Meet in Heaven and even Sophie Kinsella's Can You Keep a Secret?@... yet none of them have the artistic nature of this one Malay book I read long ago called The Last Concert aka Konserto Terakhir. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the English books that I read to a very high degree, but the artistic value of them weren't at the higher level presented by that one Malay book.

The artistic nature of the Malay language lies within the words that they use. This was pointed to me by my significant other. In English, the language that they use in every day life is really what they write in their books. In Malay, this doesn't hold true. Words such as "ragam", "lazimnya", "seruan", "maut", "peraga", "mendayung", "erat", "mengerang", "puas", "berahi", "hinjut", "terperosok" and so much more aren't really used in a normal Malay conversation. Because of this, people who understand the Malay language find it very intruigingly artistic when they read Malay books that use words that they know about, but don't use that often.

So, I am going to kinda relate all of this to porn writing. Let it be known that I do not read porn books. Not in Malay, not in English. But to the people reading this blog, try to tap your imagination from the sentences that I create and you can keep it to yourself whether you prefer one or the other. I prefer my Malay porn sentences as compared to the English porn sentences.

Exempli Gratia (eg):

Aku masih mengiurkan badannye yang gebu dan selembut sutera. Teringat aku satu ketika dahulu ketika dia akan mengerang kepuasan dengan hanya sentuhan jari jemariku. Dia akan menggengam diriku seerat-eratnya di katil sambil aku membelai rambutnya yang hitam lurus.

English (taken from Dave Chappelle's stand-up):
Ngarrrrr. I'll pull her hair! I'll smack her ass! *pshhh* The poor woman looked like a chicken on a rotisserie.

#screw you JK Rowling and your dumb Harry Potter books and your lead actor going naked on broadway

^pembayang = foreshadow

*it really is

@this wasn't really hailed by writers. girls love it though.