Thursday, November 25, 2010

Closing blog down

I'll be closing this blog down for awhile. Will write notes on my Facebook account instead of this blog for privacy reasons. Add me there if you're interested in my humble jottings.


Faizal Rosly said...

yo nigga mengapa mahu tutup bimbang perogol bersiri ke?

anyway tolong re invite aku guna gmail aku. ijaicool (at) gmail (dot) com

Adam Johari said...

haha nanti aku bagitau.


Anonymous said...

sebab yg sama kau tutup friendster ke?


Anonymous said...

ahhh..bencinya aku, nk kne tggu smpi blerr bru boleh dgr ko membebel dan mencarut!! ko kn mcm senior....xpecially sal pengalam ko kt o-be-si. kri salam kt kak Syikin. :(