Thursday, November 25, 2010

Closing blog down

I'll be closing this blog down for awhile. Will write notes on my Facebook account instead of this blog for privacy reasons. Add me there if you're interested in my humble jottings.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

I am asleep

Not. It's 5.30 am. I hate waking up this early. Must have been the caffeine I drank at Starbucks last night with my buddy Dazu. How the heck could that happen? You drink a cup of cappuccino at 10pm, you sleep at 12 midnight but wake up at 5am? What is this weird delay in caffeine insurgency that's going on.

It's worrying waking up at this hour in the morning. I always imagine it being a sign from God that 'something' has happened. That's not enough emphasis. I always imagine it being a sign from God that SOMETHING has happened!!! Arghhhhh! That's more like it.

My worrisome mind made me go to Facebook and check. Nothing shocking there, besides people trying to vie for attention. Thank God. Then I checked my e-mail, nope nothing going on there as well. Lo and behold, I soon started checking CNN and BBC just to make sure that nothing crazy has been going on that would personally affect my life.

Did you notice that I checked Facebook first before G-mail?

On any normal day waking up at this hour after only 5 hours of sleep really isn't that bad. However, last night I was pummeled by a gym trainer. Before the gym training session the trainer asked me what my goal was. I told him that I did the gargantuan mistake of signing up for a half-marathon in March and that I needed training. Right after telling him that, I also told him a story of how me and the wifey watched some rugby (yes, I don't watch rugby. just so happened it was the only thing worth watching on TV. yes, it isn't even nearly as awesome as American football), and that the wifey was wondering why when I wear my South African Springbok jersey that I don't fill the shirt like the players.

Instead of doing the normal runs of say 5 kilometers within 30 minutes, the gym trainer decided to do weight training with me. And now I can't lift my arms.

I should go back to sleep.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mad Men

Mad Men is the best drama TV series around. Nothing comes near to it. Don Draper is freaking awesome and I love him, I'd want to be him too but not really, I'm afraid the wife would anesthetize my little friend and chop him off. People who have not been introduced to Mad Men, consider this your initiation.