Sunday, April 4, 2010

Pissed off

Nothing pisses me off more than when someone messes with one of my Bangi friends. In this case, my friend's blog was plagiarized by some guy who lives in Johor. You can find this asshole's blog at . Although, I think he just closed his blog because every one of my friend's friends started spamming that guys blog to expose him for the fraud that he is.

My friend's blog is taking off right now, where he has more than a hundred followers and he updates his blog almost on a daily basis. You can view his blog at

To the asshole who stole his content, 17 entries in total, you should be ashamed of yourself for plagiarizing his intellectual property. You know why it's called intellectual property? Cause not many, heck I don't even know anybody who could write like him. For you to just steal all of his hardwork just like that, makes me want to give you a hard knuckle punch in the face plus a round-house kick to the balls, Chuck Norris style.



So the plagiarizer closed his blog and apologized to my friend at my friend's comment space. When I found out about his 'work' I was pissed off..... the normal kind of pissed off. Not the tremendously kind of pissed off. But then, I went to his blog and started reading comments from his so called followers. His followers said how awesome 'his' writing was and how funny 'he' was in 'his' entries. And that's when my fuse just broke. Yeah, the Chinese version of Bruce Banner started turning green. Heh, you better not do this kind of shit to anyone else ever again plagiarizer.


yusuf mujahidin ™ said...

bro, sempt amik details dia tk? haha
emel ke,fb ke..

rs nk kebas2 jari nk keji dia ni...hehe

Adam Johari said...

haha ade. ade kat comment blog ijai. details semue kat situ.


Faizal Rosly said...

adam aku rasa kegarangan kau single handedly membuat dia terus tutup blog. haha that's why you're my bff

♥♥♥aRiSa FunAbAsHi♥♥♥ said...


"Adam Johari said...

hi if you follow pakcik eri is me's blog you'll find that he plagiarized his blog from

sebagai member rapat kepada orang yang dia plagiarize aku terasa nak bagitau semue orang yang lawat blog dia yang dia seorang penipu. and if my friend decides to take legal action, i will back him up as much as i can so that pakcik ery is exposed for the fraud that he is.

kalau kau kenal dia personally tolong bagitau die supaya delete all 17 entries of my friend's content and NEVER copy his blog again.

adam johari"

saudara adalah slh seorg dari follower blog ery is me a.k.a kawan dia..

actually kawan saya sudah menerima hukuman dari kesilapan yg dilakukan itu, dimana saya juga telah membaca permohonan maaf kawan saya di blog sahabat en adam. dan beliau juga telah mendelete blog nya. maaf saya katakan disini, cara en adam menegur kami agak kurang sopan.( aque & the_blue_killer)

kami disini hanya membaca dan mengikuti blog en ery itu. dan kami tidak tahu menahu mengenai hal ni. oleh kerana kami tidak membaca jutaan blog yang ada di blogspot ini..jadi kami tak tahu ada diantara entrinya adalah dicopy paste...

disini kami ingin tekankan..anda tidak BERHAK menghukum kami yg hanya membaca dan mengikuti blog beliau sehingga bertindak untuk meng'spam blog kami...

dlm hal ini adakah kami juga bersalah sehingga en adam meng'spam kami..???HARAP MAKLUM...

p/s:jgn kerana setitik nila..rosak susu sebelanga..


(Aque & the_blue_killer)

Adam Johari said...

I can spam as much as I want Arisa. In this case I didn't. I think I only sent one message per person who reads his blog. How is one comment menghukuming you or even counted as spamming? I don't know.

If you have further problems we can talk it out.
