Saturday, April 3, 2010

Into the Wild

A friend at my new office came up to me and told me that he had just sent in his "letters". His statement kind of caught me off-guard, mainly because I had no idea what sending your "letters" means. I thought, maybe he had just received his official letters saying that he is a qualified fellow now (he had recently completed all of his exams). Seeing my puzzled face, he further clarified that he has decided to leave work.

"What? Leaving work for what?", I interjected.

Leaving work for the best freaking field trip in the world that's what. What up! <--- Barney style. My friend, let's call him incredibly-brave-with-balls is going on a one year trip all over the world. He and his wife, let's name her incredibly-awesome-partner are both going to take a hiatus off work and travel the world, together. They will be leaving at the end of April or early May.

"But how are you going to support yourself? It's one year!", I said with a pinch of amazement and also jealousy.

He's already saved up for the trip he mentioned. The trip will cost more than 15,000 pounds per person. Mr incredibly-brave-with-balls has already thought about all the calculations. Back at home he has a world map which is filled with blue tacks and yard lines that connect those tacks. The travel bug had bitten him hard, and now he was taking the leap.

Before, he hesitated quite a bit to do the journey because he had his actuarial exams in the way. Now that he has no more commitment to the exams process he's pretty much as free as a bird. That, and plus the fact that he and his wife don't have a baby yet. He seems like an amazing person, too bad I won't be able to get to know him better for the next year.


Hammad0 said...

nice story mann

z a t i said...

mat saleh ke? they do that a lot eh? i jumpa a lot of em during my travel/vacation especially on those couple i met in perhentian, 1bulan stay in 1island... and been doing that for the past 2 years...island hopping around the world. amazing.

z a t i said...

and oh, if u saw my latest post, about one australian guy yang dah settle down dkt JB dn open "the lost Malaya" tu actually dulu dia traveler, travel around asia for 15years(tak balik OZ langsung dlm masa 15thn tu) smpai la skrg jumpa JB (maybe jumpa wife org johor) dn terus settle down dkt situ. he is a happy man i can tell that!

etc said...

this is my ultimate goal in life :/ i don't see it happening anytime soon, though