Sunday, March 28, 2010

My apartment in London

Here are some pics of my new apartment in London. The apartment is unfurnished. The furniture and sofabed were purchased from Ikea.

 The front door to my apartment

The hallway. The first door to the right is the kitchen. Second right is the bathroom. And the front, is my living room.

The kitchen. You can see the washer and dryer here as well.

First picture of the bathroom. The shower is on the right.

The shower. I don't need a shower curtain with this glass curtain.

The living room from the front door entrance

My sofa bed. Got it from Ikea nearby :)

The closet. The sliding wall-mirrors for the closet will be installed tomorrow.

The computer and TV set up. My mac is connected to my TV and the monitor

Perfect wiring at the bottom pic


njahmat said...

Adam! Beayoootiful=) Hehe, I see you had your Project Apartment, too. Anyhoo, email me your address because a South African souvenir has got to find its way there!

Faizal Rosly said...

koooool. sudah 'dirasmikan' bersama isteri kah? hee hee

etc said...

- have fun living in a shoebox for the price of a hotel room
- good luck surviving british telly
- so you joined the mac team. seem to remember quite distinctly you hating on me for this back in high school.
- haha but really, enjoy your time over there. let me know if you ever find yourself in aussiland

Anonymous said...

nj: haha. brape jam ntah aku buat wiring kat blakang tv ngan pc tu. sent you the address on e-mail.

ijai: takde comment pasal merasmikan apartment. haha.

etc: life's struggles man. life's struggles.


C-I-K-I-N-T-O said...

wah,sdg menonton glee ;)